Yaser Mohamed


Everyone Wants It
Giovanna, Carla, Francesca, Chiara. What these women have in common so different from each other? Which will never be the not insignificant detail that makes their lives secretly imperfect? And what mystery female is so intimate and private, that more private you can not? Whatever it is, all they want. A food designer, her first love and one sciampista for dogs are the stars of this comedy merrily shameless telling women what no one had ever dared to tell.
Unique Brothers
A funny story about two brothers, Pietro and Francesco, and what happens with them and their families after Petro loses his memory.
Los ex... ¡amigos como antes!
North African Terrorist
Retrato lleno de ironía sobre el inestable y frágil mundo de los sentimientos que caracteriza a nuestra época. En el transcurso de nuestra vida, todos terminamos siendo algún tipo de "ex": un exalumno, un excompañero de armas, un examigo, un exmejor amigo, un exnovio, un exmarido. Esta película está dedicada a ellos, al ejército de los "ex", para quienes siempre hay una segunda oportunidad.