Carlo Rinaldi

Carlo Rinaldi


Carlo Rinaldi is an Italian cinematographer who splits his time between Rome and Los Angeles, USA.


Carlo Rinaldi


La primavera della mia vita
Director of Photography
Koza Nostra
Director of Photography
When Vlada Koza, a mature Ukrainian woman, intrusive and caring, becomes a grandmother for the first time, she drops everything and travels to Sicily from her home in the Carpathian mountains to join her daughter... without warning! But the girl does not appreciate her mother's suffocating attention, so she puts her at the door without much hesitation. Thus, Vlada finds herself alone and penniless in the Sicilian hinterland. An unexpected car accident makes her become the unlikely governess of Don Fredo, boss of the Laganàs: a dysfunctional mafia family struggling to survive in the modern world. The irrepressible intrusiveness of Vlada, who loves feeling useful, taking care of others, fixing things and giving advice, seems to bring a hint of palpable well-being within the walls of Villa Laganà... At least until the day she finds out who Don Fredo and his children really are!
Inferno Rosso: Joe D'Amato on the Road of Excess
Director of Photography
Who was Joe D’amato- Aristide Massaccesi under his civil status? A genius of horror in the USA, a master of eroticism in France, the king of porn in Italy. A man with a thousand pseudonyms capable of making over 200 films while simultaneously holding the roles of producer, director, author, director of photography and even camera operator. An artisan of cinema as he liked to call himself, capable of working on all film genres. From spaghetti western to post-atomic, decamerotic to glossy eroticism, and blockbuster porn to bloody horror. Guided by the aesthetics of extremes and supported by an undeniable technical ability, Joe D’Amato pushed himself, and the viewer, beyond all limits following with dedication three rigid principles that have become his stylistic code: Amaze, Shock, Scandalize.
Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
Director of Photography
Bruno Salvati is a director of little success, fresh from the separation from his wife Anna with whom he had two children, the twenty-year-old Adele and the seventeen-year-old Tito. Following a sudden illness, Bruno is diagnosed with a disease that requires the intervention of a donor. All his family relationships are called into question, including that with his father Umberto, the custodian of a secret that will force Bruno to embark on a journey in search of someone who can help him.
Los depredadores
Director of Photography
Es temprano por la mañana y el mar de Ostia está en calma. Un hombre toca a la puerta de la casa de una mujer: su objetivo es venderle un reloj. Es de nuevo temprano cuando, unos días después, un joven asistente profesor de filosofía descubre que no formará parte del grupo de expertos que participarán en la exhumación del cadáver de Nietzsche. Dos reclamaciones, dos familias aparentemente incompatibles: los Pavone y los Vismara. La primera, burgués e intelectual; la segunda, proletaria y fascista. Dos facciones opuestas que forman parte de un mismo ecosistema: Roma. Un incidente en apariencia insignificante enfrenta a ambos extremos. Será la estupidez de un hombre de 25 años la que revele que todo el mundo guarda secretos y que nadie es lo que aparenta. Que, en realidad, todos somos depredadores.
Abbi fede
Director of Photography
A Short Story
To My Pink Lady
Director of Photography
Life does not always go as we may have planned or dreamed. But sometimes, the human spirit will push back and challenge life's limitations. With a photograph created for her best friend Dakota, Cristina finds a way for their bond to transcend time and to be able to "grow old" together. Inspired by the blog "My Pink Chemo", written by Italian lawyer Cristina Belenchia during her battle against breast cancer and leukemia, the film is an intimate snapshot into her life, in all its beauty and tragedy, and a testament to a friendship between two women that reaches beyond the limits of time.
The Haunting of Sharon Tate
Director of Photography
Basada en la historia real de uno de los asesinatos más horribles de la historia: Embarazada del hijo del director Roman Polanski y a la espera de su regreso de Europa, la actriz de Hollywood Sharon Tate, de 26 años, se ve atormentada por visiones de su inminente muerte.
Amityville: El Origen
Director of Photography
La noche del 13 de noviembre del año 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr. decide coger su rifle de gran calibre y asesinar con él a toda su familia mientras dormían. Durante el juicio, DeFeo aseguró haber escuchado voces que le empujaron a cometer los terribles asesinatos. Esta es su historia.
Revisiting Life is Beautiful 15 Years After
Director of Photography
In this documentary film, directed by Dominique Maillet for StudioCanal, director Martin Scorsese, cast and crew members, and prominent critics and historians discuss Life is Beautiful and its success, as well as Roberto Benigni's career.
Assistant Camera
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.