Nick Stringer

Nick Stringer


Nick Stringer is an award-winning documentaries director. He has directed features for the BBC, Nat Geo and Discovery for more than 20 years. He has received numerous awards including Emmys for Lighting Direction and for Special FX.


Nick Stringer


El viaje de la tortuga
The story of a little loggerhead turtle, as she follows in the path of her ancestors on one of the most extraordinary journeys in the natural world. Born on a beach in Florida, she rides the Gulf Stream up towards the Arctic and ultimately swims around the entire North Atlantic across to Africa and back to the beach where she was born. But the odds are stacked against her; just one in ten thousand turtles survive the journey.
The program focuses on the hypothetical and scientifically feasible evolution of alien life on extrasolar planets, providing model examples of two different fictional worlds.
Insectos Mortales
Los insectos nos producen pesadillas. Son criaturas que se esconden al aeccho en la oscuridad, más allá de nuestra visión. Tienen el poder de engañar, matar, demembrar, esclavizar e incluso lavar el cerebro de otros para que cumplan sus órdenes. Se llegan a formar enjambres que son capaces de oscurecer el cielo. Otros dan vueltas por el suelo entre el fluir de un río de cuerpos. ¿Qué son estas criaturas?