Cinema Cashier
Sicilia, años cincuenta. El pícaro Joe Morelli, con su obsoleta cámara Ascania a cuestas, asegura que es capaz de hacer realidad los sueños de cualquiera que aspire a ser una estrella de cine. Con el pretexto de descubrir nuevas caras para una película, llega a un pueblecito y exige a los ingenuos lugareños 1.500 liras por hacer realidad sus sueños.
Angela, an Italian-American woman, after many years returned to Sicily to attend the funeral of her father. During the ferry trip she meets Salvo, a teenager boy who claims to be hunted by the Mafia, because of a quantity of drugs he stole to some criminals. She decides to give him a ride and the two embark on a journey through Sicily. His amorous attentions are soon obvious, and leads to a fairly obvious ending.