Elia Nicosia


Cuore scatenato
In Sicily, in a time not yet forgotten, in the heart of a small secluded town populated by cicadas, ticks and venomous snakes, that which made a man a real man was not riches or power, but his honor. He had to defend his dignity against insults and village gossip. It took little to stoke the fire once lit, and no one was immune. One of the worst humiliations a man can suffer was to have an adulterous wife. A man so disgraced would bear the mark of shame, with all eyes of the community upon him. It was said that "his horns were sticking out" for all to see.
El hombre de las estrellas
Sicilia, años cincuenta. El pícaro Joe Morelli, con su obsoleta cámara Ascania a cuestas, asegura que es capaz de hacer realidad los sueños de cualquiera que aspire a ser una estrella de cine. Con el pretexto de descubrir nuevas caras para una película, llega a un pueblecito y exige a los ingenuos lugareños 1.500 liras por hacer realidad sus sueños.