En el siglo XIX Baltimore, Isabel Porter, una chica afectada por el dolor de la muerte prematura de sus padres, se investiga voluntariamente en el Instituto Rosewood. Sometida a extraños y cada vez más violentos experimentos pseudocientíficos en la modificación de la personalidad, el lavado de cerebro y el control mental, debe escapar de las garras del palo de rosa y exigir su venganza, o bien perderla para siempre.
Rachel Spears
Richard Wilken's is an Australian cattle farmer who moves to Hollywood and is instantly a fish out of water as he chases his childhood dreams of becoming an actor, during the movie we are taken on an outrageous and audacious journey through Hollywood and life, as he moonlights with an unusual job as he grinds away to achieve his unlikely dream of being an actor. The movie is In the vein of Crocodile Dundee and showcases Australian culture in the heart of Hollywood and America and replicates the indemnity of Crocodile Dundee in America.