Ben Adler


Isla de perros
Associate Producer
Un Japón distópico, dentro de 20 años. La saturación canina ha alcanzado proporciones de epidemia en Megasaki. Un brote de gripe canina se propaga, por eso, el Mayor Kabayashi dicta una orden de emergencia decretando la cuarentena. Isla Basura es el lugar donde se evacua a todos los perros. Allí, un grupo de aterradores perros alfa, encabezados por Chief, han perdido toda esperanza de volver con sus dueños. Hasta que un día aparece Atari, un niño de 12 años, sobrino del malvado Mayor, que llega hasta la isla pilotando un avión. Su objetivo es buscar a su perro Spots. Esté donde esté, el niño y la manada perruna lo encontrarán.
A divorced father, takes his son to France for a football game. When the car breaks down, they have no choice but to accept a ride from a bus of traveling England fans.
A divorced father, takes his son to France for a football game. When the car breaks down, they have no choice but to accept a ride from a bus of traveling England fans.
On the day of her birthday, a teenager concludes a dangerous relationship with an online partner. Pact is a short film by young British director Ben Adler. He is currently based between Paris and London, working for the past 3 years as an assistant to Wes Anderson. He directed Pact out of film school in Paris, and shot it in two days with a few hundred euros. Pact is a perfect example of how you can tell a thrilling story within 7 minutes. Without spoiling the end, the film’s subject is based on a variety of real life stories combined into a fictional one written by the director. Ben Adler is currently developing his first feature
On the day of her birthday, a teenager concludes a dangerous relationship with an online partner. Pact is a short film by young British director Ben Adler. He is currently based between Paris and London, working for the past 3 years as an assistant to Wes Anderson. He directed Pact out of film school in Paris, and shot it in two days with a few hundred euros. Pact is a perfect example of how you can tell a thrilling story within 7 minutes. Without spoiling the end, the film’s subject is based on a variety of real life stories combined into a fictional one written by the director. Ben Adler is currently developing his first feature