Herschel Bernardi
Nacimiento : 1923-10-30, New York City, New York, USA
Muerte : 1986-05-09
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Herschel Bernardi (30 October 1923, New York City – 9 May 1986, Los Angeles, California) was an American film, Broadway, and television actor.
He is best known for his starring roles on Broadway including Fiddler on the Roof (as Tevye), Zorba, and Bajour, but he also acted in many television shows, including Harbor Command and The Eleventh Hour (both with Wendell Corey), as well as State Trooper, Peter Gunn. He was the lead in the CBS sitcom Arnie.
Bernardi wrote at least one script for Peter Gunn. In Arnie, he starred for two years as someone plucked from the loading dock of a flange company to become an executive. Originally, the character was to receive a $25,000 annual salary, which was very good in those days. But, national economic woes caused producers to substitute the figure of $20,000 per year before airing.
Born into the Yiddish theatre, Bernardi was appearing on the stages of 2nd Avenue with his acting family before he could talk.
In the 1930s, Bernardi appeared in the Yiddish films of Edgar G. Ulmer and was later among those actors who made the transition from Yiddish-speaking roles in film to American films.
Bernardi was also in several notable films, including Irma La Douce, Love with the Proper Stranger and the 1976 film The Front, a film about blacklisting in the entertainment industry. Bernardi was the victim of blacklisting during the 1950s, as were several other performers and the screenwriter and director on that film.
Bernardi was a noted voiceover artist and narrator with hundreds of films, commercials and cartoons to his credit and was the original voice of StarKist Tuna animated character, "Charlie the Tuna".
Herschel Bernardi also had two minor record hits, 1967's "If I Were A Rich Man", reflecting his success as Tevye, and 1971's "Pencil Marks On The Wall".
Description above from the Wikipedia article Herschel Bernardi, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Goliath (voice)
Derek, Margo, and Moki jump through time yet again and find themselves lost. As they search for information, they are threatened by wild animals. A young shepherd arrives on the scene and rescues them. They learn that this shepherd just happens to be the future King David. They follow David to Jerusalem, where they watch as he tries to help mend Saul's ill temper. Finally, they witness the defeat of Goliath.
When a man is exposed to an alien gas, he acquires the ability to heal instantly and survive any injury or toxin.
This documentary examines the dozens of Yiddish-language talking films made in the United States and Europe between the release of The Jazz Singer in 1927 and the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.
Nick Ravenna
Tony Curtis stars as a cosmetics company CEO, beset with infighting, intrigue and infidelity.
Nahum Favel Weissenfreund
A musical play based on the early years of actor Paul Muni.
Philip Sussman
Durante la famosa época de la "caza de brujas" de Hollywood, el guionista de televisión Alfred Miller era uno de los escritores condenados al ostracismo por sus ideas de izquierdas. Para poder seguir trabajando, ofreció dinero a Howard Prince, un excompañero del colegio, a cambio de que le permitiera utilizar su nombre para firmar sus textos. No será el único escritor que requiera los servicios de Howard como testaferro.
Sgt. Max Turner
Dos delincuentes de poca monta secuestran a dos nietos del millonario JW Osborne. El importe de rescate es cada vez menor a medida que los dos niños tienen las mejores vacaciones del internado con sus dos nuevos amigos
Woodenhead Pinto Stallion III (voice)
Dorothy regresa al país de Oz para defender la ciudad de Esmeralda , que vive bajo la amenaza de ataque de la maléfica bruja Mombi y su ejército de elefantes verdes mágicos. Secuela oficial de la película de 1939 producida por MGM, inspirada en la segunda novela de Frank Baum y con las voces de, entre otros, Liza Minelli.
This film recounts the tales of the Biblical figures, Jacob and Joseph. The first part tells the story of Jacob fleeing his tribe when he cheats his brother out of his birthright, gets cheated himself in his exile years while learning of the need to make amends. The second part is of the story of Jacob's favorite son, Joseph. Betrayed and sold into slavery by his brothers, he meets and overcomes all adversity to become the Prime Minister of Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg died for betraying atomic secrets. Were they guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?
A young man who dies in an auto accident returns from the dead to meet up with the young woman who tried to save him.
Hyam Malsh
An adopted boy's parents are killed, and to keep him from returning to the state's custody, he and his grandfather run away.
Walter Benjamin
An accountant is widowed after 18 years of marriage. He is dumbfounded to have a herd of marriage-minded women descend upon him.
John Pope, Sr.
A 1968 made-for-television remake of the 1957 film, based on the disturbing 1956 Michael V. Gazzo play, as performed by members of The Actors' Studio on ABC (American Broadcasting Company) television.
The Captain / Saloon Man#1
In 1869, Justin Eagle lives on his ranch called "The Eagle's Nest" near the town of Button Willow, California. In addition to being a rancher, Juston is a trouble-shooter for the U. S. Government which calls for him to act as an undercover operative and thwart the forces of evil in the rapidly-growing West. He is sent to San Franciso to find missing U. S. Senaator Freeman, who has disappeared while fighting the efforts of Montgomery Blaine, a villain who has been, with the aid of his henchman, "The Whip," forcing settlers to sell their land to him, not knowing that the land is in the path of a proposed railroad, from Utah, that will link the western United States to the East. Senator Freeman is the leader of an effort to veer the railroad southward to bypass Blaine's land and, for his efforts, is kidnapped by Bliane's henchmen and shanghaied from the San Francisco waterfront. Justin Eagle's job is to find and return him safely.
Narrator (uncredited) (voice)
A promotional short for Operation Crossbow (1965) giving historical background for the film's plot using archival footage of Robert Goddard's rocket experiments in the 1930s. Nazi Germany bought his patents to start their rocket program.
TV Announcer (voice) (uncredited)
George Kimball es un hombre hipocondríaco que, convencido de que una enfermedad va a acabar con su vida, decide arreglar sus asuntos para cuando llegue el día fatal. Su principal preocupación será buscarle un nuevo marido a su encantadora esposa Judy. Así que, con la ayuda de su vecino y mejor amigo Arnold, comienza a buscar candidatos idóneos...
The people of a town are condemned to die one by one by a mysterious stranger who erects a gallows in the town square.
Dominick Rossini
Angie Rossini (Natalie Wood) es una inocente italiana que vive con su madre y sus hermanos, y que trabaja en Macy's. Un fin de semana en una cabaña conoce a Rocky (McQueen), un músico que la deja embarazada. Angie lo buscará para hablarle del embarazo y de su intención de abortar. El muchacho se encarga de buscar un médico y de ayudarla económicamente pero, mientras tanto, se van enamorando y, poco a poco, nace en ellos el deseo de tener el hijo.
Inspector Lefevre
Un infeliz gendarme, fiel cumplidor de su trabajo, se enamora perdidamente de una prostituta a la que detiene en una redada. Por ella dejará su trabajo, se enfrentará al chulo que la explota y, gracias a un golpe de suerte, se convertirá en el nuevo matón del pintoresco barrio de "Les Halles", el mercado de abastos de París. A partir de ese momento, aunque con ciertos escrúpulos, vive de la chica, que lo considera su nuevo protector, y él por amor la deja hacer.
A cartoon explaining the American Bill of Rights and Constitution. A man imagines a "nightmare world" without these documents, where Orwellian thugs censor and arrest with impunity. When reminded of the Bill of Rights, the man fights back and eventually defeats the forces of faceless totalitarianism.
El bailarín George Raft (Ray Danton) tiene conexiones con el mundo del hampa. Tras un conflicto con el jefe mafioso Frank Donatella (Joe de Santis), lo destierran a Hollywoood. Allí consigue un papel en la película "Scarface" y se hace famoso. Vive con la actriz Lisa Lang (Jayne Mansfield) en una gran villa, pero al morir su madre la abandona. Su carrera se desliza cuesta abajo hasta que se le ofrece un papel en "Some Like it Hot" y recupera la fama.
Juley Franz
An older woman gets involved with her young neighbor.
A journey through the dark side of 1950s Los Angeles. "The Savage Eye" is largely composed of documentary street footage, which, when coupled with its dramatized material, takes the form of a hybrid narrative about a divorcee who escapes to L.A. to eviscerate her past -- and all notions of love and faith -- with a boozy, cynical abandon.
The Jinni of the Lamp (voice)
El más simpático cegatón que ha dado el mundo de los dibujos animados, se traslada al Oriente Medio para hacernos desternillarnos de risa con sus increíbles aventuras. A bordo de una alfombra voladora se reúne con su sobrino Aladdin, que está enamorado de la bella princesa Yasmina. Mr. Magoo prestará su colaboración en la empresa de conquistar tal belleza. La magia de oriente, genios, alfombras voladoras, tesoros y faquires se mezclan con nuestro héroe urbano, cuya ceguera lo convierte en una auténtica catástrofe con patas.
Claude (Vince Edwards) es un despiadado y eficiente asesino a sueldo hasta que descubre que su próximo objetivo es una mujer...
Mr. Fennel
Three teens get into the drug business when they discover heroin in a stolen briefcase.
Yankel, as a boy
Moishe Oysher, the renowned cantor and star of Yiddish radio, stars in Edgar G. Ulmer’s musical version of David Pinski’s play Yankl der Shmid. Singing, dancing, and flashing his eyes, Oysher gives his most robust performance as a passionate shtetl blacksmith who must struggle against temptation to become a mensch. Recently rediscovered footage makes this the most complete extant version of Ulmer’s lively folk operetta, replete with an example of Yiddish swing.