This documentary by Léa Clermont-Dion and Guylaine Maroist plunges us into the vortex of online misogyny and documents hatred towards women. This bleak opus, reminiscent of a psychological thriller, follows four women across two continents: former President of the Italian parliament Laura Boldrini, former Democratic representative Kiah Morris, French actor and YouTuber Marion Séclin, and Donna Zuckerberg, a specialist in online violence against women and the sister of Facebook’s founder. This tour de force reveals the devastating effects such unapologetic hatred has on victims, and brings to light the singular objective of cyber-misogyny: to silence women who shine. Some targets of cyber-violence will crumble under the crystallizing force of the click. Others, proud warriors, will stand tall and refuse to be silenced.
Director of Photography
Un virus ha dejado desolado un pueblo de Quebec, en el que solo un pequeño grupo de personas han sobrevivido a la epidemia. A pesar de todo, su vida está en peligro constante, pues los zombies los acechan en la oscuridad, hambrientos y esperando el momento oportuno para acabar con ellos. Por eso, cuando la falta de recursos y la expansión de depredadores obligue a estas personas a desplazarse, su lucha por la supervivencia se complicará.