Music Score Producer
A travelogue, this film provides a guided tour of pre-World War II Utah and of course does not pretend to cinematic greatness. Recommended viewing for those in search of introductory Utah history. Also valuable for persons seeking insight into the state as it would have looked during this time period. Especially informative for those desiring a window into the past for a view of how Utah was in the days of their pre-World War II progenitors living in the state. Those whose Utah ancestors were involved in mining, railroading, sugar beets, and other featured industries; featured towns, sights, recreational attractions, and industries may find this otherwise banal travelogue a quite valuable addition to their family history.
Sound Effects
El doctor Henry Von Frankenstein acomete un experimento tenebroso: construir, a partir de fragmentos de cadáveres, un nuevo ser humano. Con la ayuda de su criado Fritz, se adentra durante la noche en los cementerios de la localidad para arrancar a los cadáveres las partes que necesita. Lo que ignora es que el cerebro que ha utilizado en su experimento había pertenecido a un criminal.
Foley Artist
El conde Drácula abandona los Cárpatos y se traslada a Londres, llevándose como sirviente a un contable. Una vez instalado, se enamora de una joven que ya está prometida. Empieza a a visitarla por las noches y va bebiendo su sangre poco a poco para convertirla así en su esposa. Pero el malestar que sufre la joven alerta a su familia, que busca la ayuda del doctor Van Helsing.