Andrea Lattanzi

Andrea Lattanzi

Nacimiento : 1992-07-31, Rome, Italy


Andrea Lattanzi


Grazie ragazzi
An actor past his prime gives drama lessons to prisoners in an attempt to stage "Waiting for Godot."
Punto de inflexión
Un holgazán, que hace todo lo posible por evitar conflictos, entabla una amistad inimaginable con un peligroso matón que entra en su vida de forma repentina.
Bed Number 6
La doctora Bianca Valentino es contratada para cubrir el turno de noche en la sala de un hospital pediátrico. Se encuentra inmersa en un entorno que, tras su tranquilizadora imagen, esconde un terrorífico secreto ligado a su pasado como asilo infantil. El fantasma de una niña deambula por los pasillos atormentándola y transformando sus noches en la clínica en una pesadilla sin fin que día tras día está a punto de hacerse realidad.
Luna is 30 years old, with magnetic eyes, contagious joy and an electric wheelchair. On her thirtieth birthday, she chooses to live her first experience of intimacy with a boy, in a way she would never have thought. The story of Luna and Angel is an unusual story of falling in love, which goes beyond the cages in which the eyes of others would like to close us.
En mi propia piel
Stefano Cucchi, detenido en Roma por un delito de drogas, sufre una semana horrible de encarcelamiento que afecta a su familia para siempre.
An eighteen-year-old boy is released from an institute for minors with no family support, and for the first time tastes the bittersweet flavor of freedom; an imprisoned mother longs to go back and start all over again. These are the characters taken from the real world and transferred into a film that is first of all a shadowing of human beings, of their hopes and little acts of cowardice. But it is also the story of a time of waiting, of a soul going around in circles, a coming of age in a desolate and oppressive, marginal context that becomes a character in its own right.