Mehmet Yigenoglu


The Girl with the Red Scarf
Truck Driver in the Station
Asya and İlyas's once-legendary love affair is now threatened by jealousy, alcohol and deception. Ilyas leaves Asya because of his weak character and problems at work. After that, Asya takes their son and go away without knowing where she is heading, until a familiar hand reaches her to help selflessly.
Tosun Pasha
Saray Muhafızı
Late 19th century in Alexandria. Two traditionally rival Turkish families, "Seferoglu"s and "Tellioglu"s are competing for the "Green Valley". The winner will be determined by Daver Bey, who has a beautiful young daughter, Leyla. Both families try to arrange a marriage between a man from their family and Leyla, so that Daver Bey will be inclined to give the green valley to his "relatives". Tellioglus, who are behind in the race, desperately find a final solution: They will fake their idiotic butler, Saban, as the highest ranked Ottoman soldier in Egypt: Tosun Pasha.