Michael Koresh


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Committee Member #1
Jerusalén, Israel. Los profesores Eliezer y Uriel Shkolnik, padre e hijo, han dedicado sus vidas al estudio de las escrituras judías. Eliezer es un erudito testarudo y metódico que nunca ha sido reconocido por su trabajo; Uriel es una estrella en ascenso, alguien admirado y alabado por sus colegas. El frágil equilibrio que ha mantenido casi intacta su relación personal se quiebra de forma inesperada debido a una simple llamada telefónica.
There Were Nights
Gony's father lost his reputation, his pride and his desire to live after serving a short prison sentence twenty years ago. A little later he lost his wife, Gony's mother, to cancer. Since then, at age seven, Gony, an only child, has served as her father's emotional crutch, living through his terror and loss. Now, at twenty-five, Gony is about to make her first steps into the world. But before being allowed to begin her life, she must overcome the grip of her father's desperate loneliness and sense of loss.
Avanti Popolo
Military Attache
A beautiful anti-war movie. It describes the surreal journey of two Egyptian soldiers as they're coming back to Cairo from the Six-day War of 1967. One is an aspiring actor, whose biggest role so far was that of Shakespeare's Shylock (the irony of fate), who contributes the role of the sad clown (played by the Arab-Israeli actor Salim Daw).