Andrew Scudiero


Blasphemy the Movie
Jehova's Witness
Martian Garcia announces to his parents that not only is he proud to have converted to Atheism, but he intends to tell his whole family on Christmas. His parents then disown him on the spot, and they turn to his Aunt Patrica, who turns the rest of his family against him, and she's determined to either bring him back to the fold or kill him trying.
Uno de los nuestros
Mr. Tony Hood #2
Henry, un niño de trece años de Brooklyn, vive fascinado con el mundo de los gángsters. Su sueño se hace realidad cuando entra a formar parte de la familia Pauline, dueña absoluta de la zona, que lo educan como un miembro más de la banda convirtiéndole en un destacado mafioso.