Guglielmo D'Avanzo


The Delay
Arturo is a talented interpreter, a solitary, pragmatic and conventional person. For some time he has been having trouble carrying out his work; he has gone out of sync. Sounds are delayed according to what he sees. His affliction is degenerative: the delay keeps increasing day by day. Seconds become minutes, minutes, hours.
Line Producer
A castle on a billboard is the only landscape by Elena's basement window. It's here where she lives, it's here where she manage her activity. In a hot day of summer, a new client appears to her abode: Sergio. Before the story goes, he has to pronunciate the password to get in: "Princess".
Dorothy non deve morire
James wakes up in the middle of night after a nightmare regarding war and deaths.
Promesa al amanecer
Assistant Production Manager
Adaptación de la novela autobiográfica de Romain Gary, en la que recuerda su juventud en Lituania, su éxodo con su familia al sur de Francia, para escapar de las consecuencias de la llegada al poder de Hitler en Alemania, y su carrera en las Fuerzas Aéreas francesas.