Russell Walker


Meeting the Beatles in India
Filmmaker Paul Saltzman retraces his journey of 50 years ago when he spent a life-changing time with the Beatles at the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram on the banks of the Ganges River. In 1968, he discovered his own soul, learned meditation, which changed his life, and hung out with John, Paul, George and Ringo. Fifty years later, he finds "Bungalow Bill" in Hawaii; connects with David Lynch about his own inner journey; as well as preeminent Beatles historian, Mark Lewisohn; Academy Award nominated film composer, Laurence Rosenthal; and Pattie and Jenny Boyd. And much of this is due to Saltzman's own daughter, Devyani, reminding him that he had put away and forgotten these remarkably intimate photographs of that time in 1968.
Bañado en azucar
El 64% de los alimentos envasados contiene azúcar añadido. El azúcar que se esconde en la comida procesada y los dulces puede ser el causante de que, en los últimos 30 años, la tasa de obesidad se haya duplicado y la diabetes se haya triplicado. Existe una creciente controversia acerca del azúcar. ¿Es un veneno o un alimento dulce e inofensivo? De un lado, las industrias azucarera y alimentaria, que afirman que se trata de una fuente inofensiva de calorías y rápida energía y que el problema de la obesidad está en que comemos demasiado. Del otro, quienes afirman que hay evidencia que implica al azúcar no sólo en la obesidad y la caries dental, sino también en la hiperactividad y la diabetes, entre otros.
Hitman Hart - Wrestling With Shadows
Original Music Composer
This documentary follows superstar Bret Hart during his last year in the WWF. The film documents the tensions that resulted in The Montreal Screwjob, one of the most controversial events in the history of professional wrestling, in which Vince McMahon, Shawn Micheals, and others, legitimately conspired behind the scenes to go against the script and remove Bret Hart as champion.