Martín Kalina


El Secreto del Dr. Grinberg
Executive Producer
En 1994, y en pleno clímax de su carrera, el doctor mexicano Jacobo Grinberg desapareció misteriosamente.Las extrañas circunstancias de su desaparición han dado pie a múltiples hipótesis y teorías que han contribuido a ocultar la verdad del caso. Considerado por muchos como el Einstein de la conciencia, Grinberg llevó el estudio de la psicofisiología más allá de los límites de la ciencia tradicional con la finalidad de acercarse al potencial infinito del cerebro humano y demostrar los primeros indicios de la telepatía.
Los pálidos
Los pálidos
A propósito de Buenos Aires
Eleven young film-makers got together to collaborate in this atypical project. Atypical not only because of its technical specs, but because of its narrative structure. There are several scenes with only the city in common, and more as a conceptual presence at that than as a precise geography. None of those scenes contains a single "story": Each one of them is part of a larger situation that we cannot see, as though the beginning and end of each "story" had to be filled in by the audience.
A propósito de Buenos Aires
Eleven young film-makers got together to collaborate in this atypical project. Atypical not only because of its technical specs, but because of its narrative structure. There are several scenes with only the city in common, and more as a conceptual presence at that than as a precise geography. None of those scenes contains a single "story": Each one of them is part of a larger situation that we cannot see, as though the beginning and end of each "story" had to be filled in by the audience.
The Succession