Carlos Muñoz


A young couple flees from the chaos and the monotony of the big city to spend a few days together in a country house. What appears to be an idyllic getaway ends when he honestly tells her how he feels.
Executive Producer
A young couple flees from the chaos and the monotony of the big city to spend a few days together in a country house. What appears to be an idyllic getaway ends when he honestly tells her how he feels.
A young couple flees from the chaos and the monotony of the big city to spend a few days together in a country house. What appears to be an idyllic getaway ends when he honestly tells her how he feels.
A young couple flees from the chaos and the monotony of the big city to spend a few days together in a country house. What appears to be an idyllic getaway ends when he honestly tells her how he feels.
Lo desconocido
¿Nunca has tenido la impresión de que te persiguen? Esa agonizante sensación se convertirá, para Matías, en una auténtica pesadilla al verse perseguido por un extraño individuo del que intentará deshacerse a toda costa…
Lo desconocido
¿Nunca has tenido la impresión de que te persiguen? Esa agonizante sensación se convertirá, para Matías, en una auténtica pesadilla al verse perseguido por un extraño individuo del que intentará deshacerse a toda costa…