Thomas Rouer


XI. La Force
Clémence is confined to her bed. Her future calls out to her, showing her places, people, and glimpses of other lives. But how can this future be realized if she remains bedridden? She must sift through her past and revisit a childhood that was not so happy after all, a time when danger could arise at any moment.
American Translation
Francia /// Un encuentro casual entre Chris y Aurore acaba en una intensa relación de amor. Tienen veinte años de edad y viven una pasión exclusiva. Es una hermosa historia de amor, como lo vemos en las películas. Y un día Aurore descubre que Chris asesina a gente. ¿Seguirá viviendo esa pasión, haciéndose cómplice, o denunciará a la persona que ama por encima de todo?
You have gone, Vasco, you wanted to go far away. But we kept you back, with concrete and kisses, and you tasted the blood of whales. But it was not enough, you wanted to go further, towards the horizon that fascinated you so much. But how far will you go, Vasco?
Le voyage de la Veuve