Philippe Liégeois


Silent Voice
Avocat Alexandre (voice)
An elderly woman wants to meet her son’s murderer. A sixteen-year-old girl who has crossed paths with a young hoodlum needs an adult to accompany her to the prison visiting room. A young medical supplies delivery man is offered a deal to take the place of a gangster inmate so that the latter may escape. Two women, one man, three destinies that come together in the visiting room of a prison…
Silent Voice
An elderly woman wants to meet her son’s murderer. A sixteen-year-old girl who has crossed paths with a young hoodlum needs an adult to accompany her to the prison visiting room. A young medical supplies delivery man is offered a deal to take the place of a gangster inmate so that the latter may escape. Two women, one man, three destinies that come together in the visiting room of a prison…
Home Sweet Home
A family’s secret, it’s a time bomb ! Despite their fundamentally opposite characters, Albert and Gédéon, former participants of the May 1968 protest movement, share the same house since the disappearance of the woman of Albert. When Claire, the Albert’s daughter, come back to home, secrets of their past « Flower Power » reappear …
A Simple Heart
Executive Producer
Unable to forget her first love, Félicité, a simple and kind maid, devotes herself completely to her new master, Mathilde Aubain. As the passing of time doesn't heal her wounds, she gives love to all those who surround her: Mathilde's children, her nephew Victor. But fate seems to always deny her from any love in return. Still she tries to find someone who'll accept her unconditional love.
El romance de Astrea y Celadón
Rohmer adapta al cine la más loca historia de amor de la literatura barroca del siglo XVII, "L’Astrée", de Honoré d’Urfé (1607-1628). La intriga, que se sitúa en un bosque maravilloso, en la Galia de los druidas del siglo V, relata los amores del pastor Céladon (Andy Gillet) y de la bella Astrée (Stéphanie de Crayencour). Convencida de la infidelidad de Céladon, Astrée lo abandona. El joven, desesperado, intenta suicidarse, pero es salvado, sin que Astrée lo sepa, por las ninfas.
Viper in the Fist
1920. Jean Rezeau and his elder brother were living happily in their family estate in Brittany, until the death of their grandmother. The return of their mother, a worthy descendant of fairytales' witches, brings an all new atmosphere to their home.
Triple agente
En 1936, el Frente Popular y la guerra de España agitan los espíritus. Fiodor, joven general del ejército zarista, refugiado en París, y su esposa Arsinoé, participan del enrarecido ambiente. En tanto que ella simpatiza con los comunistas, él realiza viajes secretos y le gusta inquietar a quienes le rodean. No oculta que es un espía, pero disimula por cuenta de quién: ¿de los anticomunistas blancos, de la Unión Soviética, de los nazis o de todos a la vez ? ¿Lo sabe él mismo, que ama a su mujer, pero parece dispuesto a sacrificarla en nombre de un sórdido complot?
Small Cuts
Bruno, a communist newspaper journalist, is suffering a mid-life crisis. Torn between his wife Gaëlle and his young girlfriend Nathalie, his political beliefs battered by the wind of history, Bruno seems to have lost his bearings.
Problema cada día
El avión avanza silencioso a través de la noche, de Estados Unidos hacia París. Shane brinda con June, su joven esposa. Una vez que se duerme reclinada en su hombro, éste se deja penetrar un instante por el dolor que le produce la pesadilla que le espera vivir: en París, Léo no sale a recibir a Shane, no sale a recibir a a nadie. Está excluído de los hospitales, de los laboratorios donde se dedicaba a la investigación. Busca cobijo en Corea, en sus andanzas, en su coto de caza.
Le créateur
A playwright of note, Darius developed a drinking problem after his first major hit, and has taken time out from writing his follow-up to go to a clinic and dry out. After his release, Darius finds his producer has hired a leading lady for his next show, booked the theater and advertised the starting date -- all without Darius writing so much as a word of this new play. Darius desperately tries to come up with ideas, but nothing comes to mind, with an inflexible deadline staring him in the face. One day, Darius kills a neighbor's cat by accident; terribly depressed, he swallows some sedatives and falls asleep at his computer -- only to awake with the beginning of his play glowing on the screen. Darius is now convinced he must kill in order to create, and starts murdering an ever-expanding variety of creatures in order to satisfy his now bloodthirsty muse.
Bernie, un huérfano de treinta años, zafio y neurótico, abandona el orfanato donde lleva trabajando desde los dieciocho años. Su objetivo es descubrir la verdad acerca de su nacimiento. Para ello roba su expediente del Departamento de Asistencia Social y descubre la terrible realidad de que fue encontrado en un cubo de basura.
Les Amoureux
Executive Producer
In a rural French town, a 15-year-old closeted gay boy breaks free from his idolization of his older and ostensibly free-wheeling half-sister, learning to trust himself and become independent.