Philippe Lecoeur


The Empire
Sound Engineer
A small village of Northern France is the battleground of undercover extraterrestrial knights.
A translator working for a food processing plant that hires seasonal workers from Guatemala is, at first determined to obey the sometimes excessive directives of the young boss, but she befriends the workers and tries to defend them against the exploitation they suffer.
El peor trabajo de mi vida
Un joven es condenado a servicios comunitarios. Ahora debe trabajar en una casa de retiro.
París, hoy. France de Meurs es una periodista estrella que corre entre un televisor, una guerra lejana y el ajetreo y el bullicio de su ajetreada vida familiar. Su mundo frenético de alto perfil se vuelve repentinamente patas arriba después de un accidente de tráfico en el que hiere a un peatón. Esta irrupción inesperada de la realidad pone todo en cuestión. Mientras Francia intenta desacelerar y retirarse a una vida anónima simple, su fama continúa persiguiéndola hasta que una historia de amor desconcertada parece poner fin a su búsqueda.
Sound Engineer
While Teivi is just a typical ambitious young man from the Tahitian golden youth, his distant cousin, Yasmina, is a full-blooded Maori owner of a mysterious gift that isolates her from the world. When their paths clash, she will determinedly give full vent to her hided magic powers.
Joan of Arc
Dumont's sequel to Jeannette picks up where the previous film left off, with Jeanne's military victories, her capture, trial, and ultimate execution.
Coincoin y los extrahumanos
Quinquin ha crecido. Ahora se llama Coincoin y se mueve por la Costa de Ópalo, donde va a reuniones de Bloc con su amigo "le Gros". Su amada Eve le ha abandonado por Corinne. Mientras tanto, el comandante Van der Weyden y el leal Carpentier exploran la zona rural donde los inmigrantes deambulan y cae magma del cielo sobre la gente con conductas extrañas. Los ciudadanos se van dividiendo en dos grupos y nuestros dos héroes investigan lo que parecen fenómenos "inhumanos". Entonces, la invasión extraterrestre comienza.
La alta sociedad
Sound Designer
Verano de 1910. Varios turistas han desaparecido mientras descansaban en las hermosas playas de la costa. Los inspectores Machin y Malfon pronto deducen que el centro de las misteriosas desapariciones debe ser la bahía Slack, un lugar donde el río Slack y el mar se unen cuando hay marea alta. En ese lugar vive una pequeña comunidad de pescadores y granjeros de ostras.
Outside Satan
A orillas del Canal de la Mancha, sobre la Costa de Ópalo, cerca de una aldea, de su río y de sus marismas, vive un chico extraño que sobrevive, practica la pesca, reza y hace fuegos. Una chica de una granja se ocupa de él y le alimenta. Pasan tiempo juntos en los vastos paisajes de dunas y bosques, se recogen misteriosamente a orillas de los estanques, allí donde ronda el diablo...
Sound Engineer
A modest and run-of-the mill early-middle aged couple, Sandra and Benoit, travel to a vacation house in southern France, to spend some holidays with friends. When they arrive, they find that all their companions live completely according to nature; that is all are nudists.
Anne is a figure painter who has been in a melancholy slump for a number of years. She is awakened from this dulled state by news that she only has a year to live. Thus, when she sees an interesting man with a lively appearance during a visit to the library, she decides to try and track him down, perhaps to arrange for a sitting. It turns out that the man is a serial killer, but, given her short life-span, this knowledge does not prevent Anne from developing a relationship with him, though she is understandably skittish around him.
The Last Season
Years ago, Jean Marsan had aspirations to be a scholar. He also had a very serious romance going on. His thick-headed, uncomprehending family soon put an end to both of those unacceptable behaviors, and he spent the rest of his youth tending cows on the family farm. Now he is old, his idiot family members have died, and he's about to sell the farm (now his) to a developer. However, there are still cows to take care of until the sale goes through, and he's not as agile as he used to be. When a young local fellow offers to help him with his farm chores, he grudgingly accepts and their initially antagonistic relationship deepens over the summer. The director of this film grew up in the French Alps on a farm similar to this one and has taken care that the details of farm management are accurately and precisely depicted. Of particular interest to cheese connoisseurs is the footage of the two men making a delicious but probably unhygienic local cheese.
The Dark Side
A women is confused for a sex worker while waiting for her boyfriend.
Be Quite
A simple car trip is beset by politically charged tension and a militarized reality.