Katherina Schratt
Based on the true story of the death of Crown Prince Rudolf and his young mistress Mary Vetsera in 1889, Steven McRae and Sarah Lamb take on these challenging roles in a dark and intense ballet. Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria-Hungary is emotionally unstable and haunted by his obsession with death. He is forced to marry Princess Stephanie. Soon afterwards, his former lover, Marie Larisch, introduces him to a new mistress, Mary Vetsera, a young woman who shares his morbid fascination.
EN DIRECTO EN CINES DE ESPAÑA Y ANDORRA EL MIÉRCOLES 30 DE ENERO DE 2019, 19:45H. LA HERMOSA PRODUCCIÓN DE RICHARD EYRE PROPORCIONA LA AMBIENTACIÓN PERFECTA PARA LA ÓPERA DE VERDI SOBRE UNA CORTESANA QUE SACRIFICA TODO POR AMOR. Desde la intensa emoción de un amor inesperado a una desgarradora reconciliación que llega demasiado tarde: La Traviata de Verdi es una de las óperas más populares de todo el repertorio. Alfredo se enamora de la cortesana Violetta en la glamurosa sociedad parisiense, pero bajo la superficie discurren trasfondos más sombríos que impulsan el desenlace hacia un trágico final.
Antonio Pappano conducts a full performance of the second opera in Richard Wagner’s epic Der Ring des Nibelungen. During a storm, Sieglinde gives shelter to a wounded stranger. They find themselves drawn to each other. He is Siegmund, the twin from whom Sieglinde was separated in childhood. Unknown to them, their father is Wotan, the most powerful of the gods. Through Siegmund, Wotan hopes to retrieve a gold ring of ultimate power that he cannot take himself.
Spirit of Antonia's Mothe
The great storyteller Hoffmann is losing himself to drink. His rival in love, Councillor Lindorf, claims that Hoffmann knows nothing of the heart, and so goads Hoffmann into telling the tales of his three great loves – each destroyed by a villain who bears an uncanny resemblance to Lindorf… First Hoffmann tells of his infatuation for the mechanical doll, Olympia – who is destroyed by the inventor Coppélius. Next comes the courtesan Giulietta, who throws over his adoration in favour of jewels from the magician Dappertutto. Finally, the gentle Antonia is forced to sing to her death by the wicked Doctor Miracle. His stories finished, Hoffmann rouses from his drunken stupor to find Lindorf has made off with Stella, Hoffmann’s latest love – but the Muse compels him to transform his heartache into art.