David Faustino
Nacimiento : 1974-03-03, Los Angeles, California, U.S.
David Anthony Faustino (born March 3, 1974) is an American actor and rap artist primarily known for his role as Bud Bundy on the sitcom Married with Children.
Description above from the Wikipedia article David Faustino, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Ronny (voice)
Lucky y sus amigos deben descubrir cómo llegar a casa a tiempo para Navidad cuando una roca que cae y una tormenta de nieve grave descarrilan sus planes de viaje.
When a lifeguard catches wind of a dangerous anomaly off the coast of San Diego, she commissions a band of unlikely heroes to assist her on a suicide mission to save the west coast from total destruction.
Womanizing advertising executive Aaron tries to stop best friend Sean from falling into the "eternal damnation" of marriage by throwing a wild bachelor party to remind Sean of the joys of bachelorhood.
Cinco años después de que la costa este de Estados Unidos fuera devastada en Sharknado 3, Fin, su familia y el universo han estado felizmente libres de sharnados en los años intermedios, pero ahora los tiburones (¡y tornados!) se están multiplicando en los lugares (y formas) más insospechados. Como los sharknado vuelven con más fuerza que nunca, Fin Shepard (Ian Ziering) necesitará la ayuda de algunos nuevos amigos en su incansable lucha para proteger el mundo de la amenaza sharknádica.
A group of lifeguards attempt to kill an atomic shark that is terrorizing the coast of San Diego.
Hollywont is an urban Entourage gone crazy! The film follows Davon, an aspiring African American screenwriter trying to make a name for himself in Hollywood. Sick and tired of Hollywood's portrayal of unrealistic urban films, Davon turns to a pimp named Tony to manage his career and help guide him in the right direction which may not be the best idea. Tony takes Davon on an outrageous adventure and Davon soon learns why Hollywood can sometimes mean Hollywont!
David Faustino
La estrella del mundo del espectáculo Vince Chase, para mantener los pies en el suelo con el éxito que tiene, decide llevarse a sus amigos de toda la vida a que le acompañen en su vida en Hollywood. Eric, Drama y Turtle acompañan a Vince en su carrera, guiada por el agente Ari Gold, mientras ven la exagerada, excéntrica y despiadada vida de la meca del cine.
Filmmaker Lawrence Shapiro discusses voice-over acting with the talented people behind the characters.
A special celebrating FOX's 25 years on the air. Highlights from iconic series and tributes to memorable moments, as well as celebrities honoring the network include.
An adept spoof of cinema's behind-the-scenes experiences, Not Another B Movie combines frightening and disgusting zombies with frightening and disgusting hack directions to tell a hilarious story! With a cast that includes Ed Asner, Joe Estevez and David Faustino, it's an insightful romp through the horror film industry and the horrors of the film industry.
Jason Dockery
Plagued by uninsured patients, greedy insurance companies, heartless health care conglomerates, and stressed out doctors, the health care delivery system is on the verge of a total breakdown - and Jake Gorman couldn't be happier as suing doctors has made Jake a famous and very wealthy man. Jake never met a doctor he couldn't sue, until now.
A documentary following the exploits of a group of filmmakers as they take their independent feature, Ten 'til Noon, along the film festival circuit, and the politics, pitfalls, triumphs and comic tragedies they encounter along the way. Full of interviews with important players in the indie world, this is a must see for young filmmakers on the what happens when the shooting stops.
Albert De Salvo
Basado en sucesos reales acontecidos en la ciudad americana. En Boston, entre 1962 y 1964, 13 mujeres fueron brutalmente estranguladas por Robert de Salvo, un fontanero felizmente casado y con una vida aparentemente normal... Esta es la espeluznante historia de los hechos, y de la ardua investigación que siguió a los mismos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Disenchanted pest worker and single dad Freddie Manning unintentionally steals and then loses mob money and now he really is in trouble. So when a run-down Baptist church mistakes him and his best friend Junior for replacement ministers, he grabs at the opportunity that might save his life.
Una historia sobre dos colgados que son desahuciados de su apartamento y sin querer, se ven envueltos en un plan para estafar a un oscuro personaje llamado Big Daddy (Mekhi Phifer), tras salir de la cárcel para asistir a rehabilitación...
Hollywood hopeful Tom Murphy and his posse are pinning their dreams of success on having Tom’s famous girlfriend star in their first feature. That is, until she dumps him. Now the plan is to steal a case of government-issued marijuana, return it to the FBI and use the reward money to finance their movie, creating a hilarious comedy about big plans and the lengths friends will go to for a good bud.
Frank Hopper is a former lawyer, long-term loser and constant dreamer - and frankly, probably just not all that bright. When he receives a credit card in the mail, he believes he's hit the jackpot. It's not long before he's working his way toward financing his dream - an all-woman hockey team. He's also put himself in debt to the tune of more than $300,000. Naturally, he winds up in court when his plan backfires
Paul the P.A.
The cast of an old TV show called reunites for their 20th anniversary; during the event, a quadruple homicide turns everyone into a suspect.
Los miembros del elenco de Matrimonio con Hijos se reúnen y comparten recuerdos de haber trabajado en la comedia innovadora más favorita de Estados Unidos desde All in the Family.
Billy (10 Attitude #3)
A Jewish man discovers his boyfriend of 10 years has been cheating on him, and decides to embark on a dating spree.
Busby "Buzz" Frawley
After losing another job, two idiots embark on an adventure of mythic proportion: to acquire "Feed Bags," the discontinued entire-meal-in-a-bag, to impress their two equally dim-witted dates. When the only convenience store in town that carries the discontinued food item is found closed, Waylon and Buzz break in and can't break out.
See inside the exclusive Playboy Mansion, with parties attended by all the A-List celebrities
A portrait of a homeless park community bonded by crack cocaine addiction. In the park's drug-fixated shantytown, Cody is a kind of crackhead father figure who helps his friends when they are in trouble or in desperate need of a "blast." His girlfriend, Alicia, is a romantic who's losing her soul to the drug, and E-Max is a street hustling pimp who is trying to scoop young Linda into his motley legion of harlots. Hoover Blue, earth mother to all the addicts, attempts to pound some knowledge into the starry-eyed Linda while Cody tries to help young P-Air get his hustle on to record a hip hop track and make it big. But when Cody's real son, Terry, tracks him down to tell him his wife has passed away, Cody doesn't even recognize him at first and then can't help him with postmortem affairs. After five years of crack addiction, Cody wants to get straight and do right by Terry, but the harder he struggles to escape the park, the more it closes in on him.
Phil, un asesor de parejas gay, y Eric, un abogado, son una pareja gay que espera ansiosamente la oportunidad de adoptar un bebé, pero mientras tanto deciden hacer un favor a su asistente social y cuidar a dos muy traviesos niños abandonados "solo por una noche". Una noche se convierte en muchas y la pareja lucha por mantener su hogar y su relación intactas. Cuando la madre alcohólica de los niños aparece para reclamarlos, las cosas se vuelven aún más complicadas.
Tres delincuentes asaltan un furgón blindado. Matan a dos guardias y se llevan el vehículo a lugar seguro. Dos hermanos, saxofonista el uno y ratero ocasional el otro, descubren el furgón. Este pretende aprovecharse de la situación y apropiarse del dinero. Pelean sobre el asunto y son descubiertos.
A slacker turns P.I. to solve a rock star's murder.
El detective Darrel Chisum debe investigar la misteriosa desaparición de Caitland Montague, una bella modelo hija de un millonario. Chisum se ve envuelto en el seductor mundo de la alta costura y la moda, y su principal radio de investigación es el de la empresa encabezada por Dick Bunche. Chisum cuenta con la ayuda de Eric Denma, un ejecutivo de publicidad que gracias a su experiencia puede pasar desapercibido por el imperio de Bunche y conseguir todo tipo de información.
Stripe-E, 'The Bird'
Molly es una bailarina exótica que aparece muerta con una zanahoria introducida en su cuerpo. Tres detectives investigan a su círculo más íntimo para averiguar quién la mató y por qué razón.
Haskell Prescott
Henrietta O'Dwyer Collins, called Henrie O., is a world-famous journalist and writer. She's invited by her old lover Chase Prescott to his secluded island home. Chase, a wealthy businessman with money woes, hopes Henrie O. can discover the person he thinks is trying to kill him. It seems like she has her work cut out for her. Possible suspects include Chase's much younger wife, his son, and many others.
Felix Nativadad
En la Tierra ha comenzado la cuenta atrás para el comienzo de un nuevo milenio. Un antiguo artefacto místico de origen alienígena cae en las manos de un secta clandestina. La bella joven Jennifer (interpretada por Kerrie Keane), una recién llegada (eufemismo con el que se denomina a los alienígenas) es la líder suprema de la secta y usará los mágicos poderes del artefacto para atrapar a ingenuas víctimas en sus redes. Ellos creen que entran en un mundo maravilloso y cuando se dan cuenta de la realidad es demasiado tarde. Sikes y Francisco, los dos policías protagonistas de la saga Alien Nation, investigan esta secta, y creen que puede estar relacionada con la extraña desaparición de varias personas que vendieron todas sus pertenencias antes de desaparecer. Durante el trascurso de sus pesquisas llegan hasta una peligrosa etapa que puede conducir a la muerte a los miembros más vulnerables de la peligrosa secta destructiva.
Joey Pagan
An unwitting woman marries a psychopathic serial killer.
Swearing fidelity to his fiancée, two-faced Scott attempts to bed every woman who crosses his path.
During the 1950s, a private school in the south undergoes racial tension as it experiences desegregation. Can a love of music help ease the pain?
Bud Bundy
The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two hour special featured an all-star cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.
Bud Bundy
Al's guardian angel decides to pay him a visit and show him what life is like without him.
Corwin Davis
Esta vez, el Sr. Boogedy regresa a través de un portal mágico el cual fue abierto por el hijo menor de la familia Davis. Boogedy se las arregla para obtener de vuelta su capa mágica por medio de la posesión de personas y cuando logra su objetivo causa estragos descargando su furia sobre la ciudad de Lucifer Falls. Paralelamente, trata de encontrar a su amada Marion y no se detendrá hasta no tenerla a su lado, incluso teniendo que hacer una nueva Marion para él.
When a young boy is sick in bed with a cold, a Disney book on his shelf comes to life, from which Goofy explains some of the mistakes the boy might have made that led to his cold and how to protect himself so he won't get others sick.
Corwin Davis
A novelty-salesman moves his family into a new house. Initially dismissing incidents as more of their father's practical jokes, the family soon learns that the house is haunted by people who lived in the house 300 years previously.
A teen, who is always in trouble in school and has been sent to reform school, turns her life around when a counselor discovers she is dyslexic.
Billy Vandermeer
A female team of government agents, under the guise of owners of a popular worldwide franchise of aerobic centers, matches wits with a group of criminals who have kidnapped a top defense specialist and his ailing son, intending to sell him to the highest bidder.
Tony Hardin
Mientras la violencia aumenta en Los Ángeles y son cometidos atroces asesinatos, Steven Hardin, un joven juez del Tribunal Supremo de California, debe luchar contra su torturada conciencia y su creciente desesperación cada vez que presencia impotente cómo los despiadados criminales que son presentados ante su tribunal quedan libres gracias a que astutos abogados encuentran oscuras lagunas en la ley.
Terry Marcus
TV pilot for series centered around a beachfront clinic in the community of Venice, California.
Two television actors who play detectives are fired when the show's star gets upset that they are getting the better parts to play. So, they decide to try it for real.
Jason Shelburne
When seductive young Cinni comes to babysit for a troubled couple, she's after more than extra spending money. Starting with the kids and working around to the husband, evil Cinni plots to take over a young mother's life--ruthlessly dealing with anyone who gets in her way.
A teenage delinquent who goes on a drunken joyride is left in jail overnight by his parents in the hope that he might learn a lesson from it. But events follow which result in the boy spending far longer behind bars than anyone had foreseen.
Herbert Tucker (Walter Matthau), un escritor afincado en Hollywood, 16 años antes abandonó a su familia y se trasladó de Nueva York a California. De repente, su hija Libby (Dinah Manoff), a la que apenas recuerda, se traslada de Manhatttan a Los Ángeles y se presenta en su casa, convencida de que su padre puede ayudarla a cumplir su sueño: convertirse en una actriz de cine.
Eddie Carney
Bill Carney has just been paralyzed from the neck down. He has been taking care of his two sons since his wife left him. Now, when word of his condition reaches her, she wants to take them away, as she feels that he is unable to care for them. And it appears that the courts agree too. So, his lawyer, also a paraplegic, begins the campaign to take his case before the Supreme Court. Will he win?
A tragic motorcycle accident leaves one brother paralyzed while the other brother is left guilt-ridden. Seeing his brother struggle with his new life of limited mobility and function, the young man finds his own life weighed down by his thoughts and feelings about the accident. Motivated by his emotions and the suffering of his brother, the young man performs an "act of love" which creates more chaos for him.