Pertti Palo

Pertti Palo

Nacimiento : 1934-11-11, Helsinki, Finland

Muerte : 2010-08-13


Pertti Palo


Näkemiin, hyvästi
When a new man appears in Tuula's life, Jorma does not tolerate the idea and begins to yearn back for his ex-wife. They drift into a situation where both face a big choice that has far-reaching implications for the rest of their lives.
Irma Auer (Satu Silvo) is a former call-girl, trying to distance herself from the past. In a séance she is told to be 'marked for death', and is afterward threatened by her former pimp and abandoned by her groom, as he learns about her past. Irma attempts to commit suicide, and resurrects at the city morgue after being pronounced dead. After the incident, she wanders out direction-less, being pursued by the doctor who treated her and also a strange, tall man.
Menestyksen maku
Night by the Seashore
Middle-aged municipal architect Mikko is frustrated with his job and his marriage, so for years he has directed his energy into renovating a turn-of-the-century wooden villa on the seaside. One beautiful summer evening Mikko and his wife Liisa invite old friends to a party in the villa: divorced intellectual Erik who gets along a little too well with Liisa; and noisy building contractor Hessu with his young and sexy new wife Pirre. Their increasingly drunken discussions are interrupted by a surprise visit from Mikko's and Liisa's daughter Jonna and her husband Pete. A conflict between the father and the daughter ensues in front of the guests.
Two middle-aged friends make a wager: no drinking, smoking, overeating, gambling, cursing, armchair sports or women for a month.
Poet and Muse
Artturi Lönnbohm
Semi-fictitious biopic of Finnish poet Eino Leino, made with a large budget to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth. The film concentrates on his relationships with first wife Freya Schoultz and later muse, poetess L. Onerva. His friends include equally central figures of the Finnish cultural scene in the early 1900s, such as painters Halonen and Gallén-Kallela, and composer Sibelius.
Rautakauppias Uuno Turhapuro, presidentin vävy
Ammattiin soveltuvuus toimiston johtaja
Uuno Turhapuro, a useless bum who has married money, creates havoc around his father-in-law's presidential campaign. He dresses up as his long-lost, wealthy brother from America, but things go awry when the real brother appears. At some point Uuno takes up a job at a hardware store, only to warm up a classic TV sketch perfected years earlier by the film's writer-producer Spede Pasanen. Written by Markku Kuoppamäki
An Unknown Friend
The cold and ruthless Bruno is married to Karen. Together they seek out poor and defenseless people offering them life insurance policies. Bruno and Karen make sure that it pays off. A movie about insurance scams. Inspector Susikoski investigates.
Hapless End? Or How Numbskull Emptybrook Won the Hand of Such a Rich and Beautiful Lady
Avioliittotoimiston johtaja
Uuno moves in flight cargo to Helsinki for the search of a rich, beautiful wife. He buys elegant clothes for eight marks from an estate auction and in two weeks becomes the most pursued bachelor in town, charming all the women. He also starts as a waiter in Vaaleanpunainen sika (Pink Pig), which starts the first quarrels between him and his father-in-law.
Lottery-Winner U.K.K. Emptybrook
It is the first anniversary of Uuno and Elisabet. Uuno has placed a bet with his friend Härski-Hartikainen a year ago, that if Uuno can take just one year of marriage with Elisabet, Hartikainen will treat him a festive dinner. However, Hartikainen buys a lottery ticket for Uuno, who agrees to deduct it from his debt – and the festive dinner is reduced to a can of milk and half a sausage. As it happens, Uuno becomes the lottery winner of 1.5 million marks, only to soon realize he doesn't own a single penny yet. Mister Tossavainen arrives and offers to finance Uuno before he actually gets the jackpot. Thus, Uuno gets to live a rich live on credit. He buys a raccoon fur, leopard swimming trunks and a couple of Mercedes-Benzes. Women begin to fancy Uuno and so does his father-in-law. As time goes by it is revealed, though, that Uuno is not actually a lottery winner, and so he has to escape the anger of others to Härski's car repair shop.
The Big League
Reiska who has moved to Helsinki from the country starts working as an errand boy in Sweden and Denmark for Lehto, a leader of a criminal league. Reiska's friend from school, Lea, who dreams of being a singer, drifts under Lehto's influence as well.
Tähdet kertovat, komisario Palmu
Police Officer (uncredited)
A man's body is found on Tähtitorninmäki in Helsinki. Palmu starts to investigate the case, but the scandalous newspaper story causes problems for the police.
The Scarlet Dove
Dr. Aitamaa is spending holiday with his family at their summer villa. He accidentally reads a letter that was meant to his wife. The letter is from another man. Aitamaa follows his wife to the city and finds out that she has a lover. Later the wife is found killed and Aitamaa becomes the prime suspect.
Punainen viiva
Man on the hill (uncredited)
The story of the first elections in Finland
Murheenkryynin poika
Vihdoinkin hääyö…
Vääpelin kauhu
A Finnish military farce about an elderly man who is commanded back to service.
Esko is going to a neighboring village to marry Kreeta after her father arranged the marriage with Esko's father. Esko takes Mikko as his travel companion and that's where Esko's ordeals begin.
El soldado desconocido
Military Clerk
La historia se centra en un grupo de soldados finlandeses en la defensa de sus fronteras contra Rusia durante la II Guerra Mundial.
Kaunis Kaarina
Isän vanha ja uusi
An architect, who has recently married a new, younger wife, tries to re-connect with his ex-wife, who is being courted by another man.
Rakas lurjus
It is a time of extreme housing shortage in Helsinki. People with room in their flats are required either to find subtenants or to lodge anyone sent by the housing commission. Abel and Jussi Siimes, two devoted haters of women, find themselves in this predicament. They need to find a subtenant quickly to avoid the possibility of the housing commission sending a woman, God forbid it, to live with them. Abel's acquaintance, an assessor, recommends his nephew Kaino as the perfect choice.
Majuri maantieltä
Valkoiset ruusut
Poju (uncredited)
Un famoso pianista recibe una carta de una mujer con la que estuvo, tiempo atras, íntimamente ligado y a la que ya casi no recuerda.
Lapseni on minun...
Pertti (uncredited)
Elsa lives in a childless marriage. But she longs for a baby. She is drawn to a man that could be the father of her long awaited child.
The Women of Niskavuori
Aarne marries Martta because his mother tells him it is his duty as the eldest son to marry a wealthy girl. However, the attractive school teacher Ilona arrives in the village and causes complications when Aarne falls in love with her.