Henri Gaultier


Crimson Curtain
The doctor on duty
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
El diablo en el cuerpo
Monsieur Georges
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Basada en un polémica novela escrita en 1923 por Raymond Radiguet. Narra la relación amorosa entre un adolescente y una joven cuyo marido está en el frente. A pesar de su éxito, tuvo problemas con la censura en varios países. En 1986, el director italiano Marco Bellocchio hizo otra adaptación del mismo título, pero ambientada en los ochenta.
The Traveler Without Luggage
Having lost his memory due to serving in World War I, Gaston has spent the past 15 years in a psychiatric hospital. Due to his large disability pension fund, several families claim him as their missing son. Gaston is introduced to the Renaud family by the Duchess Dupont-Dufort and her lawyer. The Renaud family attempt to revive Gaston's memory with stories of his past, but he is apalled by some of the things he hears and dislikes the man he is supposed to be.
La pasión de Juana de Arco
Judge (uncredited)
Guerra de los Cien Años (siglos XIV y XV). En 1431, Juana de Arco, después de haber conducido a las tropas francesas a la victoria, es arrestada y acusada de brujería. Ella declara haber recibido de Dios la misión de salvar a Francia, pero es procesada y condenada a morir en la hoguera.