Makeup Artist
Una recreación de una película épica medieval y tradicional en la que migrantes africanos contemporáneos ocupan el lugar de héroes nacionales serbios. Urgente y atemporal al mismo tiempo, la adaptación plantea cuestiones de identidad, tradición, raza y amor.
Makeup Artist
El 14 de octubre de 1943, más de 400 prisioneros dirigidos por el oficial judío soviético Alexánder Pecherski llevaron a cabo un alzamiento en el campo de exterminio de Sobibor. Mataron a 11 guardias de las SS e intentaron capturar una armería. Habiendo fracasado, corrieron en grupo hacia los bosques a través de un campo minado.
Makeup Artist
Radio Free Europe, BBC, and Voice of America can only rarely get through the Iron Curtain and Soviet mufflers to Lithuania, a country torn by a war between the local resistance movement and the Soviet regime that is forced onto Lithuanian people by bayonets of the Russian army. Everybody who tries to resist the Soviet rule is either terrorized or executed or exiled to Siberia. He is one of the local high-school students who witness the local armed resistance to the Soviet occupation and ultimately decide to join it by taking a gun into their hands. He collects documents and all possible kinds of evidence that prove daunting crimes of the Kremlin. He soon becomes a legend among his peers. To girls, he is John Wayne the Hollywood Icon. Guys see him as an insurmountable obstacle and an invincible rival in matters of love.
Makeup Artist
A serial killer walks the streets of Whitechapel, London, attacking and killing women, which later came to be known as the 'Whitechapel murders' stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891 included in the London Metropolitan Police Service Investigation.