Andrew Rhodes


What She Wants for Christmas
Ten year-old Abigail has written to the North Pole and asked for something very special this year something she has kept secret from her Mother. On Christmas Eve while her Mother sleeps, Abigail hides in her living room waiting to make sure that Santa delivers the correct goods. But when Abigail sees that he hasnt included her special gift, she pulls the trigger and activates her back-up plan. With an elaborate set of booby traps, Abigail captures St. Nick himself! Determined not to let him go until he provides the right present.
A Simple Curve
Party Musician
Caleb is 27, and was raised in the majestic Kootenays by his bush hippie parents. He loves his father Jim and understands his reverence for wood working, coriander and Soya products, but he just doesn't get Jim's determined effort to achieve economic disaster at every turn. His father is a relentlessly unsuccessful business man, and as the junior partner in their carpentry shop, Caleb is powerless to stop the fiscal self sabotage. When Matthew, an old friend of Jim's, arrives in the valley to develop a high-end fishing lodge, Caleb sees fortune looming, provided he can keep his father distracted long enough. But a small deception leads to colossal betrayal, and soon Caleb must face the fact that he's reached that treasured day when a boy becomes man enough to tell his father get lost.
Testigo accidental
Una mujer que acude a una cita a ciegas y es testigo presencial del asesinato de su pareja por un mafioso, decide ocultarse y no informar a las autoridades. Cuando finalmente dan con ella, se niega a testificar. Pero, como la mafia va tras su pista, el fiscal del distrito Robert Caulfield la convence para ir en tren, en su compañía, hasta un paraje remoto del Canadá. Sin embargo, en un descuido del fiscal, sus perseguidores descubren su paradero...
La mosca II
Tras la muerte del científico Seth Brundle a consecuencia de sus experimentos sobre la transmisión de la materia, una empresa de investigación genética, que estaba al tanto de sus descubrimientos, consigue que su compañera sentimental tenga el bebé que esperaba. El pequeño, debido a los genes de su padre, padece una alteración cromosomática que acelera de manera vertiginosa su crecimiento
The King of Friday Night
A Nova Scotia singing group has a reunion concert 20 years after their successful start.
Runaway: Brigada especial
Ambientada en una época futura, en la que la alta tecnología domina el mundo. Sofisticados robots han reemplazado a los hombres en las más variadas tareas, pero cuando fallan sus sistemas de control se vuelven muy peligrosos. Miembros de las fuerzas de seguridad como el sargento Jack Ramsey (Tom Selleck) son los encargados de controlarlos. Con su nueva compañera Karen Thompson (Cynthia Rhodes) Jack investiga la posible conexión entre los robots y Charles Luther, un científico psicópata, del que sospechan que ha elaborado un maquiavélico plan para usar las máquinas como armas letales.