This short film strives to transcend the gratuitousness within the queer rap genre, exploring a taboo subculture. It gives us perspective on the underground DL (Down Low) lifestyle, in a provocative way. While being harassed by thrusting groin, is the guy looking at phone pussy because he needs the reminder of his straightness. OR is he affirming a deception terrified to give of his repressed queerness? Clues to his inner psyche are presented in the film by the red motif. Based on a true incident.
Pre-Visualization Supervisor
Adapted and directed by Marc Craste, Varmints is a 24-minute film based on the award-winning book of the same name by Helen Ward and illustrated by Craste, that tells the story of one small creature's struggle to preserve a world in danger of being lost forever through recklessness and indifference. A crew of 35 people worked in three countries over a two year period to make the film, and an original score by Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson and sound design by Adrian Rhodes complete the picture.
CG Animator
El profesor John Robinson se embarca junto a su familia en la nave Júpiter II para realizar una misión. Pero en la nave también navega el Dr. Smith, enviado por fuerzas enemigas para sabotear la misión, que provocará un incidente a partir del cual la nave deambulará sin rumbo fijo por las galaxias.