Monika Kaleta


Dom pod Dwoma Orłami. Kłamstwa Zofii
Makeup Department Head
1945, Zofia Szablewska, a repatriate from the East, arrives in the former Breslau, now Wroclaw. He lives in a former German villa - the House under the Two Eagles. Zofia's roommate is Jan Liski, an officer of the Security Office who raises his stepson, Kazio, alone. Zofia uses the Red Cross to search for her husband Antoni and son Zbyszek, with whom she lost contact during the war. The commemorative clock left by the Germans brings back memories of her native Kresy, the Nowosiolo estate and the beginning of her love with the Polish settler - Antoni.
Fucking Bornholm
Makeup & Hair
A group of friends are taking their kids to a traditional long weekend getaway on the Danish island of Bornholm, just like they did for many years. An incident between the children will spark a new crisis in their relationship. Each couple seems happy, but are they really? Maybe they’re just keeping up appearances?
Mi maravillosa vida
Makeup Artist
Una mujer en un matrimonio infeliz lucha por conservar unida a su familia de varias generaciones mientras intenta evitar que un extorsionador anónimo revele su secreto.
Costume Design
Del túnel de una estación de metro, aparece una mujer, que se planta en el andén y orina ante la mirada atónita de los demás pasajeros. No sabe ni quién es ni dónde está. Dos años más tarde, su familia la encuentra, forzándola a recuperar su lugar como madre, esposa e hija, y sumándola así a la fascinante nómina de mujeres en crisis que nos ha brindado el cine de terror reciente.
Character Designer