Staruszka w windzie
Wojciech, who does not feel the ubiquitous joyful atmosphere, meets someone who changes his holiday plans. In turn, Karina and Szczepan get embroiled in a fight for an inheritance that may divide even their loved ones. They will see if the only thing that comes out well with the family is in the photos.
Mira, a 60 year-old woman, appears to have a normal life. One morning she starts her day like any other, wakes up early, puts her family's clothes out to dry, purchases food for her fish and commits a bank robbery with a kitchen knife. She discovers her need for money is surpassed only by her need for love.
Narra la historia real de unas monjas polacas embarazadas tras ser violadas por las tropas rusas tras terminar la II Guerra Mundial. Agosto de 1945. Un monasterio cerca de Varsovia (Polonia) alberga un oscuro secreto. Mathilde Beaulieu es una joven médico enviada por la Cruz Roja con el fin de garantizar la repatriación de los prisioneros franceses heridos en la frontera entre Alemania y Polonia. Pero la sorpresa llega cuando descubre que una gran parte de las hermanas del convento están embarazadas por soldados del Ejército Rojo. Aunque Mathilde es inexperta, deberá aprender a sacar adelante esta inusual situación y ayudar a las hermanas.
Stefan Starzyński, the mayor of Warsaw, organizes life in the capital in September 1939 and lift the inhabitants' spirits via radio announcements. After the surrender, he does not use his last chance to escape.