Jan Pepermans


Scenario Writer
Who doesn't dream of a different, better version of themselves? And what if just that version pays you a visit in prison?
Dos años después de la trágica pérdida de su hermano mayor, Daan, de 17 años, sigue de mala gana cuando su afligida familia decide dar refugio a una adolescente sin hogar llamada Radja. Pero cuando Daan es testigo de cómo la presencia de este extraño afecta profundamente a su madre, comienza a desentrañar el misterioso pasado de Radja.
When her mother abandons her dementing father, Alex unexpectedly finds herself at a crossroads. As she moves back in the parental house to look after her father, she starts questioning her own life. Does she want to stay with her adulterous husband? She tolerated his affairs for years, but is she really happy with him? Or should she, like her parents, drop the facade?