Mike Lewin


The Fools on the Hill
Mr Thomas
This is a dramatisation of the events surrounding the opening night of British television on November 2, 1936 at Alexandra Place in London. It was produced to commemorate its 50th anniversary.
El rey Juan (TV)
James Gurney
El rey Juan hace lo que sea necesario para mantenerse en el trono de Inglaterra, y en el camino se hace enemigos del papa, de Francia y de su sobrino.
Un ruiseñor cantó en Berkeley Square
Sgt. Dunbar
Pinky sale de la cárcel con la intención de reformarse pero el trabajo que encuentra de empleado de mantenimiento en un importante banco, llama la atención de Iván el Terrible, el gángster local. éste confía en atracar el banco con la colaboración de Pinky, a quien empieza a hacerle gracia la idea... La película está basada en un robo real y uno de los más importantes, que ocurrió en la ciudad de Londres.
Henry IV Part 1
First Carrier
Henry Bolingbroke has now been crowned King of England, but faces a rebellion headed by the embittered Earl of Northumberland and his son (nicknamed 'Hotspur'). Henry's son Hal, the Prince of Wales, has thrown over life at court in favour of heavy drinking and petty theft in the company of a debauched elderly knight, Sir John Falstaff. Hal must extricate himself from some legal problems, regain his father's good opinions and help suppress the uprising.
As You Like It
Palace Lord
Orlando is forced to work like a servant for his brother Oliver, so he goes to win his fortune in a wrestling contest, where he meets a lady of the court, Rosalind. Rosalind (daughter of the deposed duke) is companion to Celia, niece of the deposed Duke, and when the current duke banishes Rosalind from the kingdom, she, Celia, the court jester (and incidentally Orlando) all end up in the forest or Arden, where the deposed Duke holds court. Romantic mixups, cross-dressing, love poems nailed to trees, and a lion await them all.
Ricardo II (TV)
El incompetente rey Ricardo II es depuesto por Henry Bolingbroke y sufre una crisis de identidad una vez que deja de ser rey.
Detective privado
Detective Waring (uncredited)
Segunda adaptación de la obra de Raymond Chandler "El sueño eterno". El general Sternwood contrata a Philip Marlowe para que le libre de Arthur Geiger, que lo chantajea a propósito de las deudas de juego de su hija menor, Carmen. La hija mayor, Vivien, quiere averiguar el interés del detective por Rusty Regan, su ex marido, presuntamente fugado con la mujer de un mafioso. Cuando Geiger es asesinado en su apartamento, Carmen estaba allí en circunstancias comprometedoras.
One Hour to Zero
PC Edwards
Steve runs away from home, having argued with his father, and hides in a slate mine where his friend Paul finds him and brings him back. However, on returning to their village the two boys find the place completely deserted. Or so they think.
Clinic Exclusive
Roger Dawes
Aventuras homosexuales y heterosexuales en una supuesta clínica.
The Man Who Had Power Over Women
Constable Farlow
A successful talent agent enjoys the good life until his wife leaves him. Moving in with his friend and igniting an affair with the man's wife, he also acquires a difficult new client whose public image must be preserved at any cost.