Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present (and star in)... MISCHIEF MANAGED, a short film about Lily, Snape and the Marauders, set on Valentine's Day 1978, during their 7th year at Hogwarts.
Mr. Hines
Una madre irresponsable y de dudosa reputación es detenida en presencia de sus cinco hijos. Cuando la hermana mayor, Gracie, de 17 años, se da cuenta de que los servicios sociales tienen intención de separarles, decide que ha llegado el momento de hacerse cargo del cuidado de sus hermanos. La jueza, conmovida por su actitud ejemplar, le otorga la custodia temporal de los pequeños.
Tribune Guard
When a photojournalist photographs a mysterious stranger performing an act of bravery, the act quickly becomes headline news and the town dubs the stranger John Christmas. After seeing the photo, Kathleen McAllister becomes convinced that the mysterious stranger is in fact her long-lost brother Hank. With the town's help, Kathleen and Noah set about to find the stranger's true identity with the help Max, a Christmas angel.
City Clerk Official
An intense relationship drama that takes the form of a mystery, The Event centers around a series of unexplained deaths that occur among the gay community in New York's fashionable Chelsea district. Nick, a district attorney investigating the most recent case, a suspicious apparent suicide, and her interviews with friends and family of the deceased trigger extensive and intricately interwoven flashbacks that reveal surprising facts about the man's life and death.
James de 18 años (James Pfeiffer) abandona la universidad y decide convertirse en un pescador como su padre. Margaret y Russell sus padres, estan muy molestos con la decisión de su hijo. Tenían un montón de esperanzas para él, terminando la escuela de derecho y, al igual que su hermano mayor, José, hacer una vida decente en vez de dedicarse al peligro de la mar. James sueña con tener su propio barco .
Det. Watt
A "true crime" docu-drama: in July 1982, Al and Rosemary Podgis were shot dead in their home in New Jersey. Rosemary's son Scott and his Canadian high-school friend Bruce Curtis were charged with their murder. Scott confesses to deliberately shooting his stepfather Al, but Bruce insists that his shooting of Rosemary was accidental.