Hace 15 años, el payaso Edwin fue al rancho Bonzo, para hacer disfrutar a los niños que pasaban alli el verano. Pero lo que pasó, es que nadie se reía de sus chistes y se burlaban de él, y por venganza decidió masacrar a todos los que allí se encontraban. Ahora la leyenda se ha hecho realidad, y el payaso Edwin ha vuelto para seguir su particular venganza.
Jenkins (voice) ("Kung-Fu Kitties" short)
In this third volume of the Best of Tromadance, viewers can sample fifteen of the best films from the 2003 and 2004 Film Festivals totally over three hours. Titles include Giuseppe Andrews' "Dribble;" winner of the Tromadance / Kodak Independent Soul Award, Kevin Maher's "Monkey Brains," "Kung-Fu Kitties" and "Marijuana's Revenge" by the filmmaking team of Philip Gunn, Daniel Guiterrez and David Valdez. Also included are Matt and Greg Brookens' "Skunk Ape!?," Jamie Greco's "PDA Massacre" and others.
In this third volume of the Best of Tromadance, viewers can sample fifteen of the best films from the 2003 and 2004 Film Festivals totally over three hours. Titles include Giuseppe Andrews' "Dribble;" winner of the Tromadance / Kodak Independent Soul Award, Kevin Maher's "Monkey Brains," "Kung-Fu Kitties" and "Marijuana's Revenge" by the filmmaking team of Philip Gunn, Daniel Guiterrez and David Valdez. Also included are Matt and Greg Brookens' "Skunk Ape!?," Jamie Greco's "PDA Massacre" and others.