Androulla Irakleous

Androulla Irakleous


Androulla Irakleous


In an unspecified Mediterranean island a boy comes across two peculiar men in striped costumes. Soon, the boy realizes that life also has two faces. It can be both an ugly war and a beautiful girl called Clementine.
A burned-out soap-opera writer turns his gaze upon his dysfunctional neighbours, but gets more than the inspiration he bargained for.
Family Μember
Υorgos and Sophia are trying hard to cope with their financial problems and the needs of their two children. The grandfather helps them out with his pension since the family business, a small grocery store, does not provide them with enough income. When the grandfather suddenly dies in his sleep, they decide to keep it a secret for as long as they can, so as to continue collecting the money from his pension. But things become more complicated when officers from the social security department start looking for the grandfather.
By Miracle
Las historias de fe, pérdida y redención se unen en un drama que se centra en el aislamiento a la deriva de sus personajes, incluso cuando buscan la conexión a través del amor y la familia. Aliki y su esposo Andreas intentan sin éxito concebir un hijo, lo que hace que recurra cada vez más a la devoción religiosa y la esperanza de un milagro. Secretamente gay, Marios vive con su madre y trabaja para evadir sus preguntas sobre su vida. Las historias se unen en la tumba de un niño.
Honey and Wine
Eleni lives alone, haunted by memories of her past. Her life is a routine until she witnesses a quarrel between a young couple in the house across the street. One afternoon, Eleni receives an unexpected visit from Rhea, the young woman from the house across the street. She has locked herself out and needs to use Eleni's phone in order to call a locksmith. And so begins a relationship between the two women with unforseen consequences for them both.
Visiones de Europa
Stella (segment "Cyprus: My Life on Tape")
Veinticinco cineastas, uno por cada estado de la Unión Europea, realizaron una película sobre sus respectivos países. Todas tenían el mismo presupuesto, debían estar ambientadas en el presente o en un futuro inmediato y durar cinco minutos. No había otras limitaciones, de modo que los autores tenían plena libertad para expresarse. Entre los directores figuran tanto nombres consagrados como voces nuevas dentro del panorama cinematográfico. Cada corto tiene su propia identidad, por lo que es posible establecer comparaciones fascinantes; pero, además, juntos ofrecen una imagen global de la Comunidad Europea a través de la fusión de esas distintas visiones conceptuales y creativas.