Gunther Kortwich


¡Tan lejos, tan cerca!
Dos ángeles de la guarda vuelan sobre Berlín. Son invisibles y están llenos de benevolencia, pero no pueden intervenir en la vida de los hombres. Entonces Cassiel, el ángel de las lágrimas, se convierte en un ser humano para saber cómo sienten y perciben el mundo las personas... Secuela de "El cielo sobre Berlín" (Der Himmel über Berlin, 1987), también dirigida por Wenders.
Never Sleep Again - Never go back
Never Sleep Again is a drama that follows three girlfriends who wander through post-wall Berlin. As they discover the eastern part of town they meet new people and learn about the places' history.
Die wilden Fünfziger
Two life stories. That of Malou, a French woman, married to a German Jew, a refugee stranded in South America: a picture of the pre-war generation reflected in the unusual destiny of an individual woman. And that of Hannah, an alert, independent, modern woman, seeking after freedom and her own identity, and trying in present-day Berlin to save her shaky marriage.
Shadow of Angels
Beautiful, detached, laconic, consumptive Lily Brest is a streetwalker with few clients. She loves her idle boyfriend Raoul who gambles away what little she earns. The town's power broker, called the rich Jew, discovers she is a good listener, so she's soon busy. Raoul imagines grotesque sex scenes between Lily and the Jew; he leaves her for a man. Her parents, a bitter Fascist who is a cabaret singer in drag and her wheelchair-bound mother, offer no refuge. Even though all have a philosophical bent, the other whores reject Lily because she tolerates everyone, including men. She tires of her lonely life and looks for a way out. Even that act serves the local corrupt powers.
Las amargas lágrimas de Petra von Kant
Sound Designer
Petra von Kant, una diseñadora de moda que acaba de separarse de su marido, vive con su secretaria-esclava Marlene (personaje simbólicamente mudo). Cuando su amiga y confidente Sidonie le presenta a Karin, una joven de origen humilde, se enamora locamente de ella y le promete que va a convertirla en una famosa modelo. Sin embargo, Karin la abandona poco tiempo después para irse con su marido que, después de un viaje, acaba de volver a Frankfurt. Petra cae entonces en una profunda depresión.
Female Sexuality
Romy: Anatomy of a Face
Documentary about young actress Romy Schneider, capturing just the right moment between her first career as a young actress in mainstream "Unterhaltungskino" ("entertainment cinema") and her second one as acknowledged European arthouse actress.
Frühstück mit dem Tod