Christopher Davis


Smoke Out
Detective Simpson
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
Red Hill
Cuando un joven oficial de policía, el alguacil Shane Cooper, se traslada a la pequeña ciudad de Red Hill con su esposa embarazada, lo hace con la esperanza de comenzar una nueva familia. Pero cuando la noticia de un periodo de prisión en la ciudad envía a los oficiales de policía locales en un pánico, el primer día de Shane en servicio rápidamente va de mal en peor. Jimmy Conway, un asesino condenado a perpetuidad en la cárcel, regresa a la estación aislada en busca de venganza. Ahora, atrapado en medio de lo que se convierte rápidamente en un baño de sangre horripilante, Shane se verá obligado a tomar la ley en sus propias manos si es que quiere sobrevivir. (FILMAFFINITY)
Beer Pong Saved My Life
Beer Pong Fanatic
Dustin and Eric enter a tournament and allow the praise for their skills to go to their heads.