Kanji Uehara


Sleepy Eyes Of Death 14: Fylfot Swordplay
Getting an opportunity to meet with another half-Caucasian swordsman, Kyoshiro finds himself involved in a series of dangerous encounters.
Devil's Temple
An abandoned temple in the mountains outside of the old capital city of Kyoto is the scene of a fated meeting between a traveling priest, two women, and a vicious killer. Bloody violence erupts whenever strangers approach the temple. Can the traveling priest bring his belief in the Buddha and rid the three temple residents of the devils that hold their souls?
La esposa del Dr. Hanaoka
A fines del período Edo, el doctor Seishu Hanaoka (1760-1835) se transforma en el primer médico en realizar una operación mediante el uso de anestesia general. La esposa y la madre del médico se convierten en rivales en la búsqueda de su afecto a punto tal de servir como conejillos de indias en sus experimentos.
A Certain Killer
A former soldier, reduced to working at a restaurant post-war, becomes a contract killer for the yakuza gangs he's in contact with.
Daimajin, el dios diabólico
En una montaña, una estatua de piedra lleva atrapada dentro el espíritu de un dios muy poderoso. Por ello los habitantes del poblado le rezan por la alma retenida. El señor feudal del lugar no le importa pero uno de sus hombres que se hace con el poder con un golpe de Estado, decide destruir el monolito de piedra. Es entonces cuando Majin se despierta gracias a una plegaria, monta en cólera y deja a las fuerzas del gobernador hechas trizas y va en su búsqueda.
Shinobi no Mono 2: Vengeance
[Period covered: 1582-1594]. As the film opens, the warlod Nobunaga Oda rides to Iga Ayanokuni shrine. He is asked if he thinks he has destroyed all the ninja who opposed him and answers that he suspects that there may be more. A servant brings water and tests it first. The paige dies and we hear gunshots as two ninja flee the scene. His suspicions confirmed, Nobunaga oversees the execution of captured ninja and decides that, in the future, he needs a much crueler method of execution. The daimyo Hideyoshi comes to visit.
The Third Shadow Warrior
In the mountain regions of Hida, the dreams of a peasant named Kyonosuke, who longed to be a samurai, come true when he becomes one of three doubles, of shadows, of Lord Yasutaka. After months of intense and cruel training, he faces his destiny when the Lord and the other two shadows are killed in battle and he must take on the role of Lord Yasutaka....