Santiago Dominguez


La sombra del gato
Gato vive con su hija adolescente Emma y un pequeño grupo de gente, en una granja aislada, sin telefonía ni internet. Pero Emma, tentada por la curiosidad, consigue un teléfono móvil y lo activa, haciéndose visible al mundo. Horas después huye de la granja. Gato parte en su búsqueda acompañado por su amigo Sombra, con quien 17 años atrás, estuvieron estuvieron a punto de ser captados por una secta. Juntos deberán rescatar a Emma que ha sido raptada por la misma organización para concretar un sangriento ritual.
The story takes place in Luque, on the banks of the Yukyry stream, where Juanchi is going to take a dip after playing soccer on a hot summer afternoon. The child plays innocently in the stream when he suddenly shows respiratory failure after ingesting some water. It happens what is least expected, all the people dress in mourning for the tragic death of this child, thinking that he died drowned when in fact it was something else. The child's sister and the local doctor begin an investigation and that's when they'll wish they'd never started it by learning everything that's going on behind it.