Thea Hollatz

Thea Hollatz


Thea Hollatz works as a set decorator, art director and production designer for film and web projects.


Thea Hollatz


Bloody Hell
Production Design
A teenage girl gets diagnosed with a reproductive condition that upends her plans to have sex and propels her into exploring unusual methods to have a sex life, challenging her relationships with everyone in her life, but most importantly, herself.
Production Designer
Set within the fluidity of time, touch, realism and reverie. Some may call this magic realism. Based within Indigenous knowledge and way of life, this story allows two people to heal, through touch, calm, love and patience in a fantastical space that leaves the audience dreamlike and yet it is dangerous and violent, there is love.
Lo que queda de nosotras
Production Design
Dos parejas de madre e hija deben lidiar con su dolor y sus complicadas relaciones cuando muere la persona que los conecta.
Hot Flash
A newscaster is due to go live on local television in the middle of a hot flash, in Thea Hollatz's animated comedy about a woman trying to keep her cool when one type of flash leads to another.
Hot Flash
A newscaster is due to go live on local television in the middle of a hot flash, in Thea Hollatz's animated comedy about a woman trying to keep her cool when one type of flash leads to another.
Production Design
Lou y su mejor amiga Chantal planean abandonar su pueblo en decadencia para irse a vivir a Nueva York. Pero cuando la inestable expareja de Chantal la viola tras una noche de fiesta, ambas chicas deciden tomarse la venganza por su cuenta a través de una noche de vandalismo y desenfreno. Sin embargo, las consecuencias de sus acciones esa noche son desastrosas, y amenazan con impedir que puedan abandonar jamás el pueblo que tanto odian. Cuando más pelea Lou por salvar su amistad, más se da cuenta de que la libertad puede tener un precio más alto del que jamás hubiese imaginado.
Octavio Is Dead
Set Decoration
Tyler intenta descubrir al padre que nunca tuvo la oportunidad de conocer en esta emocionante historia de fantasmas psico-sexuales, explorando temas de género e identidad sexual.
Production Design
Two strangers show up at a family's cottage claiming to have spent their childhood summers there, but their behaviour seems to be driven by something more sinister than nostalgia.
For Dorian
Script Supervisor
A father fears the sexual awakening of his disabled son, a teenager living with Down syndrome, and struggles with the notion of letting him grow up.