Silke Eggert


Jan y Julie son dos jóvenes que, por intervención del destino, viajan juntos a bordo de una caravana Mercedes 303. El destino de Julie es Portugal, país en el que vive su novio, mientras que Jan se dirige a España. Ambos parecen ser muy distintos entre sí aunque conforme vayan pasando países, se darán cuenta de que tienen más cosas en común de las que imaginaban. El viaje servirá a este inesperado dúo para conocer quiénes son realmente y, quizá, para entablar algo más que una duradera amistad.La cinta está dirigida por Hans Weingartner (Un juego de inteligencia, Los edukadores) y protagonizada por Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey (Who am I. Ningún sistema es seguro, Un método peligroso), Jörg Bundschuh (La clase de esgrima, All you need is Klaus) y Thomas Schmuckert.
The young and lonesome 18year old Mercedes visits the legendary techno festival "Heimat" for the first time in her life. She is longingly hoping for experiences of proximity, joy and intensity. Instead, she finds herself confronted with the abysses of this alleged perfect world. In the end, Mercedes sees no way out without committing an act of violence.
Inspired by the Japanese phenomenon of the so-called Hikokomori, (literally: pulling inward), whereby young people choose to flee from the pressure of a society brought into line into the total isolation of their own room. They have lost the ability to distinguish public face and true self. In this way Akio (Japanese: Light) withdraws albeit with a specific goal. He wants to free himself from the pressures of the globalized society, from his own fears, and ultimately from the limitations of his own body as well as concepts like space and time.