Hans-Christoph von Goetz


In the 1940s, young Kirghiz boy falls hopelessly for Jamilla, but their love has no future.
Mauracher (as Christoph von Goetz)
Father Joseph Mohr, a newly appointed priest in the town of Oberndorf (near Salzburg), meets the beautiful prostitute Magdalene. He struggles to change her situation and make a new life for her, and while doing so, they fall in love. Mohr struggles with his feelings for her, versus his commitment to God. Meanwhile, the Prior, Mohr's superior, whose corrupt dealings with the Baron von Seidl are threatened by Mohr's integrity and honesty, works (unsuccessfully) to falsely accuse Mohr of sexual misconduct with Magdalene, and thereby remove him from office. Meanwhile, Mohr and local schoolteacher Franz Gruber compose the hymn "Silent Night".
Executive Producer
Father Joseph Mohr, a newly appointed priest in the town of Oberndorf (near Salzburg), meets the beautiful prostitute Magdalene. He struggles to change her situation and make a new life for her, and while doing so, they fall in love. Mohr struggles with his feelings for her, versus his commitment to God. Meanwhile, the Prior, Mohr's superior, whose corrupt dealings with the Baron von Seidl are threatened by Mohr's integrity and honesty, works (unsuccessfully) to falsely accuse Mohr of sexual misconduct with Magdalene, and thereby remove him from office. Meanwhile, Mohr and local schoolteacher Franz Gruber compose the hymn "Silent Night".
Rejas ardientes
En el agujero del infierno, nombre por el que se conoce al Centro de Detención de Mujeres, una joven y guapa reclusa intenta desesperadamente escapar a la violación por parte de los guardianes de la prisión. Mientras, en el exterior, un autobús trae carne nueva a la cárcel. Entre ellas viene Carol , una novata que por primera vez entra en prisión y que mientras aguarda en la zona de retención puede presenciar algunas de las lamentables y trágicas escenas que a diario se suelen dar en aquella cárcel. Al producirse un motín entre las reclusas, Carol es perseguida por unas de las guardianas, logrando escapar tras peligrosas peripecias. Al alejarse de aquellos siniestros muros, una sonrisa de esperanza ilumina su atormentado rostro.