Kang Keun-shik


Compañeros de artes marciales
Keo-Am quiere aprender artes marciales de Park Sang-bong pero no obtiene el permiso ya que es un amante de la hija de Park, pero es expulsado de allí. Aprende artes marciales del japonés y ayuda a Japón a invadir Corea. Sang-Bong sufre esta noticia. Keo-Am es hijo del amigo de Park y Park quiere que sea un granjero y es por eso que Park no le enseñó las artes marciales. La hija de Park, Ok-Nyeo e Il-Jae, discípulo de Park, le dicen la verdad a Keo-Am, quien acepta el hecho de que es coreano. Keo-Am atrae y mata a japoneses, pero es herido en sus manos. Después de todo, en el camino de regreso, Keo-Am muere debido a peleas accidentales.
Heavenly Homecoming to Stars
A woman slowly drinks herself to death as she is physically and emotionally used by one man after another.
The International Secret Agent
Korean secret agent Bai Min is sent on a mission to Hong Kong. The coveted military information is nowhere to be found and two of the Korean spies are found murdered. Following the leads left by his unfortunate predecessors, Bai reaches the arms dealer Sha Lao Te through the courtesan Xianglan and her vast network of social connections. Without her realising it, the undercover agent Xianglan falls in love with her very antagonist, who in turn is growing increasingly fond of the fellow agent coming to his aid, Maria. Already consumed with jealousy and now perturbed by the increasing pressure from her boss Hu Lin, Xianglan lures the duo to the nightclub where they are to meet their adversaries lying in wait. But Xianglan gets cold feet and puts her life at stake to pull Bai out of danger. Pitting both his brain and his brawn against the enemy, Bai bounces back to save Maria and accomplishes his task.