Production Design
Representa la impresionante persecución del agente 'Carter', introducido en una operación misteriosa en la península de Corea donde estaba brotando un virus.
Art Designer
Caught up in anxiety, eight-year-old Chul in school tells his teacher that he is going to the bathroom but runs straight home.
Production Design
Encargado de investigar a un equipo encubierto y su infame líder en una ciudad muy peligrosa, un honorable fiscal interviene en una guerra mortal entre espías.
Production Design
Dreaming of making a way station for his sister and the villagers who have no choice but to commute along the dangerous train tracks every day, Joon-kyung sends many letters to the President, but with no reply. Ra-hee, who has a crush on Joon-kyung, does everything she can to help him meet the President.
Production Design
Muere el conductor sospechoso de ser el autor de un accidente de tráfico en la vía central, y el conductor que se cree que es la víctima cae en un coma. Después de un tiempo, la esposa del agresor, Hee-ju, regresa. Hee-ju se avergüenza de saber que la esposa de la víctima, Young-nam, es compañera en la fábrica donde trabaja.
Production Design
A couple's hospital tryst is caught on X-Ray. Thinking she and her boyfriend are the ones in the compromising radiograph, nurse Yoon-young goes in the next day to resign only to find that everyone has called in sick except the head doctor.
Production Design
Sung-seok and Hae-joo, who have been under pressure of marriage, devise a scheme at their first meet; a fake wedding. They reach an agreement under the desire of not only being free from their parents’ meddling but carrying their secret future plan. Sung-seok plans to run away with his lover who has a kid and Hae-joo plans to start her new career abroad after their planned marriage. However, their families get too much excited about this news more than their expectation and their near-flawless plan starts to become a mess.
Production Design
Dong-Chul es un antiguo matón que trata de llevar un honesta y pacífica, aunque no muy exitosa, vida dentro de la legalidad. Cuando un día una banda que trafica con mujeres secuestra a su esposa, Dong-Chul no verá otra salida que volver a sus antiguos métodos para poder encontrarla.
Production Design
Desde la infancia, Sook-Hee ha sido entrenada para convertirse en una asesina sin piedad. Cuando Madame Kwon, la jefa del servicio de información de Corea del Sur, la recluta como agente durmiente, le ofrece una segunda oportunidad. "Danos diez años de tu vida y tendrás tu libertad". Su nueva identidad es Chae Yeon-Soo, una actriz de teatro de 27 años. Con la promesa de una libertad completa a cambio de servir a su país durante diez años, Sook-Hee emprende una nueva vida. Para esta mujer que ha vivido como asesina, llevar una existencia normal no resulta una tarea sencilla. Pero cuando dos hombres entran en su vida, los secretos de su pasado serán desvelados.
Production Design
When raw gold is discovered deep in the woods, a group of gold hunters arrive to mine it. Several neighbors in the area witness the hunters by chance and find themselves in danger. Among the witnesses, hunter Ki-sung risks his life to protect the other witnesses and engages the gold hunters in a cat-and-mouse game of death.
Production Design
Un asesino en serie parece burlar una y otra vez a la policía de una localidad coreana, hasta que un día asesina sin piedad a la hermana de un agente.
Production Design
Una joven es secuestrada por un asesino en serie. El asesino en serie utiliza alcantarillas para secuestrar y matar a sus víctimas. La hermana mayor de la joven intenta salvarla antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Production Design
El experimentado detective Lee anda a la caza de un conductor homicida. Cuando lo encuentra descubre que es una antigua novia de la que hace 10 años no sabe nada. Él intenetará protegerla.
Production Design
En 1998 Ha-kyeong pierde a su hija en un caso de secuestro nunca resuelto. 15 años despues se repite el crimen copiando exactamente al caso no resuelto de 1998.
Production Design
Art student Jeong-hwa (Seo Woo) is moving to a smaller apartment by her school when she trips and falls, breaking a small statue on a box. She bends over to pick up the pieces and notices an amulet the shape of a queer mask and decides to use it for her exhibit assignment. After she moves she hears a weird knocking sound next door. She can’t sleep because of the knocking sound every midnight and starts sketching the amulet. One night, Jeong-hwa comes home late and runs into a strange woman with long tangly hair and barefoot in front of the elevator. She gets off without a word and starts knocking next door. Jeong-hwa is terrified, what is going to happen to her?
Production Design
Sun-joo is an ordinary office worker at a bank who is preparing for her upcoming wedding with Ji-hoon, an employee at a publishing company. However, Ji-hoon, who has recently become the liaison to popular female author So-ra, does not attempt to show an enthusiastic interest in married life. One day, Ji-hoon causes a traffic accident, and rushing to the hospital, Sun-joo comes face-to-face with So-ra. In actuality, Sun-joo and So-ra were classmates in school. Sun-joo befriends So-ra, with whom she has had no contact until now, suspecting that Ji-hoon's indifference to getting married might somehow be connected to her. This will reawaken a memory of the tragic accident that happened to their mutual friend.....
Production Design
The next mayor of Seoul candidate's wife becomes a dance singer in this movie as Hwang Jeong-min takes on the role of poor lawyer turned politician and Uhm Jung-hwa as the wife who makes an attempt at singing without her husband knowing at first.
Art Direction
A former jockey who became blind after losing his wife in an accident gets a second chance with the help of his daughter and an injured horse.
Art Direction
Cuenta la historia de una reportera de televisión al rescate de su hermano secuestrado por una trama de contrabandistas de cuerpos, con una cabeza cortada de protagonista, sectas religiosas, policias corruptos y científicos locos.
Art Direction
When loveable Labrador Maeumee has a set of puppies, Dong-Wook's grades start to suffer. Because of this, Dong-Wook's mother decides to get rid of Maeumee and the puppies. The dogs then stay at a relative's video shop until the animals can be placed into an animal training center. Meanwhile, two unscrupulous jewel thieves come into the video store and spots the little puppies. Hyeok-Pil decides to steal the littlest puppy to use as a runner to transport diamonds. Maeumee spots the two men taking away her young puppy and goes after the thieves! Can Maeumee save her puppy? Will Dong-Wook ever get to see Maeumee and the puppies again?