Sandrine Bonnaire

Sandrine Bonnaire

Nacimiento : 1967-05-31, Gannat, Allier, France


Sandrine Bonnaire (born 31 May 1967) is a French actress, who has appeared in more than 40 films including Hollywood movies. Bonnaire was born in the town of Gannat, Allier, in the Auvergne region. She was born into a working-class family, the seventh of eleven children. Her acting career began at the age of 16 in 1983, when she starred in the Maurice Pialat film À nos amours. She played a girl from the suburbs beginning her sexual awakening. In 1984 she was awarded the César Award for Most Promising Actress. Her international breakthrough came in 1986 when she played the main character in Sans toit ni loi (Vagabond), directed by Agnès Varda, for which she won her second César Award. She portrays a vagrant who fails both physically and morally. The film Monsieur Hire directed by Patrice Leconte followed in 1989, along with further work with directors Jacques Doillon and Claude Sautet. In 2004, she starred in another Patrice Leconte's film: Intimate Strangers, which was an arthouse box office hit in the United States. Bonnaire has a daughter, Jeanne, from a relationship with actor William Hurt, whom she met in 1991 during filming of the Albert Camus novel La Peste (The Plague). They acted together in Secrets Shared with a Stranger (1994). Since March 2003 she has been married to actor and screenwriter Guillaume Laurant, with whom she has had a second daughter. Description above from the Wikipedia article Sandrine Bonnaire, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Sandrine Bonnaire
Sandrine Bonnaire
Sandrine Bonnaire


The Soul Eater
Docteur Carole Marbas
When the disappearance of children and bloody murders multiply in a small mountain village, an old legend shrouded in sulphur reappears… Commander Guardiano and Captain of the Gendarmerie De Rolan are forced to join forces to uncover the truth.
Comme une louve
Élodie Piat
When Lili, 26 years old, poor, single mother of three, is wrongly accused of abuse and the social services take away her children, she collapses. But this is without counting on the luminous meeting of other women. With them, Lili fights to rebuild her family.
Viva Varda!
A pioneering post-war female film director, an instigator of the New Wave who was honored by Hollywood in her own lifetime, Agnès Varda has become a source of inspiration for a whole new generation of young filmmakers. With movies like Cléo de 5 à 7, Le Bonheur, Sans toit ni loi, Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse, she created a quirky, open to the world, sensitive to the disenfranchised, often silly body of work. Always one finger on the pulse, she shook everything up, including cinema itself which she refused to constrict to pure fiction or long-form films.
El sabor de las cosas simples
Después de una experiencia cercana a la muerte, el chef más reconocido de Francia se lanza a la búsqueda del sabor con el que un chef japonés le venció en un concurso en 1978 con un sencillo bol de ramen.
Shoot to Live
Love Is Better Than Life
Sandrine Massaro
Upon their release from prison twen­ty years ear­li­er, Gérard, Ary and Philippe asked them­selves if hon­esty was not the best rack­et of them all. Today, they are insep­a­ra­ble and scrupu­lous­ly above board. But Gérard learns he is ter­mi­nal­ly ill. Their friend’s days being num­bered, Ary and Philippe want to offer him one last love sto­ry… because, as Gérard likes to say : love is bet­ter than life.
El acontecimiento
Gabrielle Duchesne
Francia, 1963. Anne, una joven y brillante estudiante con un futuro prometedor, descubre que está embarazada. De la noche a la mañana ve truncada la oportunidad de terminar sus estudios y huir de las asfixiantes restricciones de su entorno. Con los exámenes finales acercándose y un vientre que no para de crecer, Anne decide actuar, incluso si supone confrontar la vergüenza, el dolor y hasta ir a la cárcel por ello.
Sous le soleil de Pialat
In just ten films, Maurice Pialat painfully rose to the top of the cinema, draining into his legend a mad demand for truth as much as memorable fury to achieve it. With "L'Enfance nue", his first feature film at the age of 43, the filmmaker immediately made his mark, this "art of making things authentic", according to Chabrol. But throughout an unclassifiable filmography in the form of an autobiography, from a break-up to his fatherhood in wonder, through the agony of his mother, the filmmaker does not get rid of the feeling of being misunderstood, despite international recognition.
Les Damnés de la Commune
Louise Michel (voice)
Into the World
Jeanne works as an auxiliary in a maternity in Marseilles. Day and night, Jeanne and her colleagues fight to help mothers and their babies against the lack of staff and constant management pressure. Jeanne lives with her 18 year-old daughter, Zoé. When a tragedy occurs at the maternity and Zoé leaves to study in Paris, Jeanne’s secret past suddenly resurfaces and forces her to assert her life choices.
Three Days and a Life
Blanche Courtin
Navidad de 1999 en un tranquilo pueblo en la región de las Ardenas. La vida de un chico llamado Antoine se verá pronto devastada por tres trágicos eventos: la muerte de un perro, la desaparición de un niño y una fuerte tormenta.
Ce soir-là et les jours d'après
Varda por Agnès
Agnès Varda presenta su nuevo documental en el que sigue demostrando que es toda una institución del cine francés, pero una oponente dura contra cualquier tipo de pensamiento institucional. Utilizando sus propias obras, Varda trata de ilustrar sus visiones e ideas y, también su vida. Una vida dividida en dos partes: en primer lugar, el período analógico (1954-2000), en el que se propuso cambiar la idea del cine y los documentales de ficción, y la segunda etapa (2000-2018) para explicar cómo la tecnología digital ha resultado ser un arma más con la que poder explicar el mundo que la rodea.
Faithfull: The Marianne Faithfull Story
Marianne Faithfull has seen it all. Success and celebrity at 17. Life with Mick Jagger through the turbulent late sixties. Scandal, drugs, addiction and hitting rock bottom before rebirth, awards and artistic recognition.
La ley de Marion
Marion Veyron
Durante veinte años, Marion ha vivido a la sombra de Olivier Queyras - su mentor, marido y jefe - antes de encontrar el coraje para romper esa relación de dependencia. Ahora ya convertida en principal asociada de su propio bufete, y sintiéndose responsable de la murte de una mujer a la que asistía, Marion decide defender a la hija de la víctima. Al mismo tiempo, Queyras toma la defensa de Laurent, presunto culpable, y pretende con ello resarcirse de la ofensa que supuso el divorcio para su orgullo. En la sala, Marion se va a jugar su carrera y quizás algo más también.
The Truk
Fresh out of jail, Ulysse has only one idea in mind: making money. Confronted by his depressed mother, Gabrielle, the bills that never stop piling up and his desire to live his life to the full, he makes a plan. With his best friend, David, he travels from rave to rave, selling a mixture of water and Ketamine from their food truck. Together, they hit the road...
A Season in France
Carole Blaszak
An African high school teacher flees his war-torn country for France, where he falls in love with a Frenchwoman who offers a roof for him and his family.
Catch the Wind
Edith Clerval (Sandrine Bonnaire) se ve envuelta en una complicada situación cuando la fábrica en la que trabaja decide trasladarse a otro país. Su llegada a Marruecos no será nada fácil, pero tendrá que irse adaptando poco a poco al estilo de vida y a trabajar en unas condiciones muy distintas. Gaël Morel dirige esta película que muestra otra perspectiva de nuestra forma de ver la vida y explora en lo complicada que puede ser la relación entre una madre y su hijo.
Actor and director Sandrine Bonnaire paints an intimate and tender portrait of cultural icon Marianne Faithfull’s burning creativity and incredible life story.
El Cielo Esperará
Catherine Bouzaria
Mélanie, 16 años, vive con su madre. Le gusta ir a la escuela, a sus amigas, tocar el violonchelo y quiere cambiar el mundo. Pero cuando conoce a un chico en Internet y se enamora de él, su mundo cambia a medida que Daesh la recluta gradualmente. Sonia tiene 17 años y casi hizo algo irrevocable para "garantizarle" a su familia un lugar en el paraíso. Estas adolescentes podrían llamarse Anaïs, Manon o Leila, y un día todas podrían ir un poco por el proceso de reclutamiento. Pero, ¿pueden volver alguna vez?
Bebes robados
Inès Barras
La vida de Inés Barras da un vuelco cuando descubre que su bebé, al que daba por muerto, en realidad fue vendido por el convento de Santa...
Prisioneras del destino
la directrice
Marie-France, de 16 años, y Brigitte, de 17, llegan al hogar de Plessis, que acoge a menores embarazadas para que puedan llevar a cabo su gestación del bebé de forma discreta.
The Final Lesson
At 92 years old, Madeleine decides to set the date and conditions of her death. By telling her daughter Diane and her son Pierre, she hopes to prepare them as gently as possible but it comes as a shock, and their minds are set ablaze. Until the end, Madeleine will keep her dignity, wits, and passion for life as a course of conduct, so she can give them all, and in particular Diane, a touching “final lesson”.
The Soul of a Spy
Marcello Mastroianni: The Ideal Italian
A documentary about Marcello Mastroianni.
Ce que le temps a donné à l'homme
Ce que le temps a donné à l'homme
Blood Red
We Love You, You Bastard
Nathalie Béranger
A war photographer and absent father, who spends more time taking care of his camera than his four daughters, enjoys a happy life in the Alps with his new girlfriend. But his life is turned upside down the day that his best friend tries to reconcile him with his family by telling them a big lie.
Adieu Paris
Françoise Dupret
Bank manager Frank and writer Patrizia meet by coincidence again and again at the airport. They commute between Dusseldorf and Paris, but behind their travels are two fateful stories. Frank wants to complete the business of his life, Patrizia visits her lover, who is in a coma since a car accident. For both life comes out of joint and they each suffer heavy losses. What connects them is the search for hold, a listener, the need to be needed and the hope that there is a beginning in each end.
La Balade de Lucie
When her husband is arrested, all Lucie's bearings seem to crumble. To rebuild her life and give it new meaning, she entrusts her kids to her mother and isolates herself on the coast near Bordeaux. But the kids decide to go look for her.
Maddened by His Absence
After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father’s succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape a painful past he shared with Mado, his former wife, who in the meantime built a new life with Stéphane and their 7 year old son, Paul. Upon his return, Jacques and Mado meet again; he asks to meet her son Paul; Mado hesitates, then accepts but hides it from her husband. Soon, Paul and Jacques get close and they start to see each other secretly.
Maddened by His Absence
After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father’s succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape a painful past he shared with Mado, his former wife, who in the meantime built a new life with Stéphane and their 7 year old son, Paul. Upon his return, Jacques and Mado meet again; he asks to meet her son Paul; Mado hesitates, then accepts but hides it from her husband. Soon, Paul and Jacques get close and they start to see each other secretly.
Crulic, camino al más allá
En 2007, Claudiu Crulic, un rumano de 33 años, fue arrestado por robo en Polonia. Al no conseguir ayuda del consulado rumano, comenzó una huelga de hambre que lo condujo a la muerte cuatro meses después. El caso, muy seguido por los medios, provocó la dimisión del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores rumano y del cónsul en Polonia. Además, tres médicos fueron acusados de ser los responsables de su muerte. Esta película intenta analizar los sentimientos y sensaciones de un hombre que sufre una lenta agonía.
La jugadora de ajedrez
Hélène , casada y con una hija, vive en un pueblo tranquilo en Córcega, donde trabaja en un hotel. Un día vió jugar al ajedrez ,quedó fascinada por el juego y decide aprender a jugar
Mark of an Angel
Claire Vigneaux
Elsa, a woman with a long history of depression in the midst of a divorce from her husband of 12 years develops an obsession with a seven year old girl she sees at a birthday party when she comes to pick up her son Thomas. Determined to find out more about the girl, Elsa uses Thomas as a way into the girl's family by aiding to develop a friendship between Thomas and the girl's brother Jeremy so that in turn Elsa can then befriend the girl's mother Claire. She uses Thomas more and more in her pursuit of this obsession telling her employer and fellow employees that Thomas is seriously ill so that she can run off watch the girl (Lola) wherever she goes. Elsa even tells her parents lies that she is going out with a friend so they will baby-sit so Elsa can even go as far as hiding in the bushes outside of Lola's house and watching her at night.
A Simple Heart
Unable to forget her first love, Félicité, a simple and kind maid, devotes herself completely to her new master, Mathilde Aubain. As the passing of time doesn't heal her wounds, she gives love to all those who surround her: Mathilde's children, her nephew Victor. But fate seems to always deny her from any love in return. Still she tries to find someone who'll accept her unconditional love.
Her Name Is Sabine
A sensitive portrait of Sabine Bonnaire, the autistic sister of the french actress Sandrine Bonnaire.
Her Name Is Sabine
A sensitive portrait of Sabine Bonnaire, the autistic sister of the french actress Sandrine Bonnaire.
Her Name Is Sabine
A sensitive portrait of Sabine Bonnaire, the autistic sister of the french actress Sandrine Bonnaire.
Her Name Is Sabine
A sensitive portrait of Sabine Bonnaire, the autistic sister of the french actress Sandrine Bonnaire.
Demandez la permission aux enfants !
Could This Be Love?
Lucas un rico industrial de 43 años, soltero, acaba de salir de un amor lastimoso. Entonces conoce a Elsa de 38 años, una guapa ceramista reconocida en su oficio, a quién ha encargado un fresco para decorar la entrada de su empresa. Atraído irresistiblemente por la joven, Lucas va a intentar conquistarla. Pero, así como es un hombre muy seguro en sus negocios, no lo es para nada en el amor. Por eso, va a encargar al detective privado de su empresa, Roland Christin, que descubra cuáles son las extrañas razones que mantienen a esta guapa mujer todavía soltera, poniendo en práctica los métodos de investigación más modernos al servicio de un sentimiento ancestral: el amor.
Marcello, una vita dolce
After shooting to fame with Federico Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita” (1960), actor Marcello Mastroianni (1924-1996) starred in more than 160 films in his nearly half-a-century career. Directors Mario Canale and Annarosa Morri look into the melancholic charm of one of the most famous Italian actors through interviews with his two daughters, Barbara and Chiara; directors Fellini and Luchino Visconti; actresses Claudia Cardinale and Anouk Aimee; and in archival footage of Mastroianni himself. The subject matter ranges from Mastroianni’s passion for kidney-bean pasta and his addiction to the telephone to his famous laziness, humility and talent. Shown in black-and-white, Mastroianni — elegantly holding a cigarette in between his fingers — is undeniably the dandy.
Le Procès de Bobigny
Martine Lang
In 1972 16-year-old Marie-Claire became pregnant after a rape. With help from her mother Michelle and three other women, she underwent a clandestine abortion. Under a 1920 law, the five women were arrested and charged. Supported by a procession of well-known French (eg Simone de Beauvoir), the five were released and the law was adapted.
The Life and Work of Claude Chabrol
A thoroughly researched documentary on Chabrol, exploring the creative process and the great artistic process of the master of cinema.
El extraño
Camille llega a Ouessant, la isla de su nacimiento en la costa de Bretaña, para vender la casa de la familia. Pasa una última noche en la casa durante la cual descubre un secreto. En 1963, un hombre vino a trabajar con su padre, que era el operador del faro Jument. Sólo se quedó dos meses, pero su presencia demostró ser un catalizador perturbador.
The Giraffe's Neck
Le Cou de la girafe (The Giraffe's Neck) is a 2004 French/Belgian film directed by Safy Nebbou.
Confidencias muy íntimas
Anna entre en la oficina equivocada y acaba discutiendo su vida marital con William, un asesor financiero. Sus conversaciones iniciales les llevan a una serie de encuentros en los cuales William, preso de la excitación, no se atreve a contar a Anna que no tiene licencia profesional.
Lucette Oomlop
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un piloto estadounidense es derribado en una región de Bélgica por los alemanes. Herido, es ayudado por una mujer, cuyo marido se encuentra en el frente.
Vagabond: Remembrances, Interviews, Notes and Comments
18 years after the making of the film "Vagabond", director Agnès Varda created this documentary which includes interviews with the cast.
Femme Fatale
Special Guest Cannes Film Festival
En la inauguración del festival de cine de Cannes, una de las invitadas de lujo, una famosa y extravagante supermodelo, luce un valioso body de diamantes. Laura Ash utiliza toda su astucia para seducir a la modelo y robarle la joya, pero traiciona a su banda, al huir con el botín. Durante su fuga, encuentra a una mujer idéntica a ella que se suicida después la muerte de su marido y su única hija. Laura decide adoptar su identidad para salir de Francia y empezar una nueva vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
C'est la vie
Dimitri joins La Maison, a place where people are welcomed for whom medicine can not do anything anymore. There he meets Suzanne, a volunteer who is dedicated to supporting people at the end of their lives.
Claire Canselier
Claire is a young woman who leads a somewhat formatted life. Pierre is an improviser, but not an actor. Brief encounter, brief romance, doomed or not, who can say? When things like that happen, you act on the spur of the moment.
June 1946: Stalin invites Russian emigres to return to the motherland. It's a trap: when a ship-load from France arrives in Odessa, only a physician and his family are spared execution or prison. He and his French wife (her passport ripped up) are sent to Kiev. She wants to return to France immediately; he knows that they are captives and must watch every step.
En el corazón de la mentira
Vivianne Sterne
Eloise, una niña de diez años, aparece estrangulada en un pueblo de Bretaña. La policía comienza interrogando a René, profesor de dibujo y última persona que vio a la niña con vida. Aunque René, y sobre todo su mujer, Viviane, enfermera a domicilio, son queridos en el puebio, no son nativos de la región. Una segunda muerte violenta acaba por aterrorizar al pueblo.
The Human Eye
A 55-minute film by director Xavier Giannoli that analyses 'À nos amours'. The film features former Cahiers du cinéma editorial director Jean-Michel Frodon, actors Jacques Fieschi and Sandrine Bonnaire, and other members of the cast
Vidas robadas
Tres hermanas viven aisladas en una vieja casa al borde de un acantilado: Alda colecciona aventuras amorosas, Olga, la mayor, es un alma perdida en la más absoluta soledad, y Sigga, la más joven, es una cándida adolescente. La vida de las tres transcurre en un delicado equilibrio entre sus deseos y la memoria del pasado. Finalmente, la fiesta de Nochevieja les proporciona la ocasión de satisfacer sus anhelos más profundos y egoístas.
Silvie Rousseau (Sandrine Bonnaire), una investigadora que busca una terapia contra el cáncer, descubre, gracias a su hermano, que su padre no murió en un accidente, sino que fue víctima de un asesinato presuntamente cometido por Walser (Jerzy Radziwilowicz), el hombre que heredó la dirección de la empresa de sistemas de defensa que dirigía su progenitor. Para evitar la determinación vengadora de su hermano, Sylvie se lanza ella misma, convertida en una moderna Electra, a la búsqueda de la verdad...
Debt of Love
Monica Besse
Simon Granderath has been found dead in his appartment. His only daughter, Monika Besse, who lives in Luxembourg, arrives to arrange the funeral and settle his estate. She wishes to get back to Luxembourg and to her normal life as quickly as possible. However, she quickly realizes that in fact, she hardly knew her father, and tries to trace the various stages and encounters that made up his life. Much later, she realizes that the search for the identity of her father has actually become a search of her own identity – though still she believes she can get closer to her father after his death.
Never Ever
Katherine Beaufort
Thomas Murray and Amanda have just moved to Paris. He works for a bank owned by Amanda's father Arthur Trevane. Amanda decides that she does not like Paris, so she goes back to London. But trouble begins on a drive through the countryside, where he meets a free spirit whose charms pressure his long-distance marriage.
Secrets Shared with a Stranger
In Russia, in 1907, a rich lenient husband of a loose unfaithful woman is brutally murdered. She and her two lovers are suspects, but what about the stranger she met just before the murder? With no friends left, she and the stranger bond.
La ceremonia
Sophie Bonhomme
Sophie, una mujer eficiente pero fría y calculadora, entra a trabajar como ama de llaves para la exigente señora Lelièvre. Un día, conoce a Jeanne, una empleada muy fisgona del servicio de Correos de Saint-Maló, y entre ambas se establece una relación criminal.
Las cien y una noches
La vagabonde métamorphosable
Fábula que celebra el centenario del cine. En ella intervienen de forma desinteresada Harrison Ford, Depardieu, De Niro, Jane Birkin, Belmondo, Anouk Aimée, Deneuve, Delon, Moreau, Lollobrigida, Di Caprio, Martin Sheen, Dean Stanton, Léaud y muchos otros.
Joan the Maid II: The Prisons
Jeanne d'Arc
Continuación de "Juana de Arco I - Las batallas". Después de la derrota francesa en la batalla de Orleáns, Juana de Arco (1412-1431) es arrestada y enviada a prisión. En dos procesos separados, es acusada de herejía y condenada a morir en la hoguera.
Joan the Maid I: The Battles
Jeanne d'Arc
Jeanne the Maid leaves her childhood home in Domremy after hearing what she is sure was the voice of God. She believes that she can help lead France to victory on the battlefield, and she persuades Charles, dauphin of France to allow her to guide his troops.
La peste
Martine Rambert
La peste muestra cómo se afecta la vida en una ciudad tras ser declarada una epidemia de peste. Pero va mucho más allá y refleja como el desastre y la desgracia pueden hacer aflorar los mejores sentimientos y actitudes de las personas para luchar y lograr sobreponerse ante lo que consideran injusto. El protagonista, el doctor Rieux, se queda en la ciudad porque marcharse sería desertar, siente la necesidad de combatir para acabar con el mal, que tiene la forma de la temible peste bubónica. Esta enfermedad da al traste con las vidas e ilusiones de cientos de inocentes. El miedo inunda las calles, y, además del doctor Rieux, hay otras personas dispuestas a ayudar y conseguir terminar con el horror. El esfuerzo común logra que la peste acabe desapareciendo ante el júbilo de todos. Pero queda planteada la duda sobre si no es posible que la amenaza siga vigente y algún día regrese. (FILMAFFINITY)
This ambitious overview of the history of Prague provides a wealth of information about the city, both visual and verbal, but suffers from a one-note presentation. One note dominates the narration, that of continuity between past and present, and also the camerawork -- contrived to be as artful and art filled as the narration. Modern and ancient architecture and other cultural attributes of Prague, including scenes from the stage play Amadeus serve as a backdrop to the lecture on the nature of Prague history -- a non-stop "continuity of consciousness."
The Sky Above Paris
Suzanne has had an affair which so traumatized her that she is out of the running, romantically. Perhaps that is why she is roommates with her gay best friend, Marc. However, just because one isn't going out on dates doesn't mean never seeing or being seen by anyone, and, one day while swimming in a public pool, Suzanne is caught by surprise by a lovely young man. Her new acquaintance, Lucien, begins to spend time with her and Marc. Romance blooms among the threesome: Marc falls in love with Lucien, but he is unlucky in that: Lucien and Suzanne have become lovers.
Towards Evening
Italy, 1977. Professor Bruschi is a retired widower who lives according to a strict routine he set for himself. An ardent old-style communist, he has always been at odds with the unconventional lifestyle led by his son and his hippieish girlfriend Stella. When their four-year-old daughter is left in his care out of the blue after the two break up, the old professor becomes a sort of father figure to the girl, growing fond of her. However he's once again challenged when Stella also arrives for a stay in his elegant villa, reclaiming custody of her daughter.
La cautiva del desierto
Basada en un suceso real, narra el secuestro de una etnólogo francesa en el Chad y su cautiverio en el desierto africano.
Thick Skinned
Two brothers set fire to a barn while drunk, inadvertently causing the death of a sleeping wanderer. One of them takes all the blame for the incident and spends ten years in prison.
Monsieur Hire
Monsieur Hire lleva años viviendo en el mismo piso. Alice, que ocupa el estudio de enfrente, se da cuenta de que el hombre la observa desde hace meses. Él, que lo sabe todo de la joven, se ha enamorado de ella. Sin embargo, la situación de Hire se complica cuando se convierte en el principal sospechoso del asesinato de una adolescente.
Unos días conmigo
Durante una visita de inspección a Limoges, el presidente de una cadena de supermercados se enamora perdidamente de una joven que trabaja como doncella en casa de uno de los directores de sus tiendas. En un arrebato de pasión, le pide que se vaya a vivir con él y, a cambio, le ofrece todo aquello que nunca imaginó tener.
The Innocents
Jeanne viaja a Toulon, en el sur de Francia, para asistir a la boda de su hermana. De paso también verá a Alain, su hermano sordomudo. Durante la celebración conoce a Said, el mejor amigo de Alain, y a Stephanne, que acaba de salir de un coma y tiene que volver con su padre, un hombre que vive atormentado por su homosexualidad y se refugia en el alcohol. Jeanne se siente atraída por los dos. Sin embargo, no es ella el motivo por el que estalla un conflicto entre ambos. Lo que ocurre es que los dos están vinculados a ciertos acontecimientos turbios del pasado.
Bajo el sol de Satán
Adaptación de una novela de Bernanos. Relato de la agonía espiritual de Donissan (Depardieu), un cura rural que intenta librarse de la desesperación compartiéndola con el decano Menou-Segrais (Maurice Pialat) que tratará de devolverlo al camino del bien. Donissan someterá su cuerpo a atroces mortificaciones, pero no podrá evitar el perseverante acecho del Mal, encarnado en la perversa Mouchette (Sandrine Bonnaire), una joven de 16 años, y en el Diablo, que lo asalta en medio de la noche. El cura sabe que su destino será una batalla sin tregua con lo sobrenatural, que lo hace oscilar entre la santidad y la condenación.
The Prude
Pierre is the artistic director of a theater, and when his daughter Manon lets him know that she is coming to see him after a year's absence, Pierre decides to prepare for the meeting. He goes to the theater with his girlfriend Ariane and has the actresses in his troupe act out different aspects of his daughter's character. Unfortunately, this is not adequate preparation, for when Manon does show up, nothing goes quite as he imagined...
Sin techo ni ley
Mona Bergeron, a vagabond
Varda hace un lírico réquiem de Mona, una adolescente vagabunda que es encontrada muerta, mostrando en flashback sus últimos meses de vida, su desarraigo social y sus relaciones con la gente que conoció.
El lenguaraz y violento inspector Mangin (Depardieu) trata de desarticular una red de narcotraficantes dirigida por un clan de hermanos tunecinos que opera en Marsella. En la investigación se verá implicada la bella Noria (Sophie Marceau), pareja de uno de ellos. Cuando éste es detenido y encarcelado, Mangin tratará de hacerla confesar.
Le Meilleur de la Vie
Two quarreling lovers from opposite sides of the economic scale take central stage in this drama about Veronique and Adrien. Veronique is wealthy and from the provinces, Adrien is impoverished and his ancestors come from Brittany. In spite of their different backgrounds, the two fall in love, marry, and eventually have a baby girl. At just about that time, Veronique decides to go back to school, and Adrien becomes both mother and father to their baby. Unable to cope with Veronique's new-found intellectual friends and different lifestyle, Adrien clashes with her, and their arguments lead to a separation for awhile. The two then get back together again, but not for long. It is on a return trip from visiting his mother in Brittany that Adrien's life undergoes a dramatic change, and his story takes an equally unexpected turn.
Blanche y Marie
Víctor, obrero, y Germinal, peluquero, son miembros activos de la Resistencia y no quieren que sus familias se enteren. Sin embargo, un día Blanche, la esposa de Víctor, y Marie, la hija de Germinal, los descubren. Marie, refugiada en la casa de su abuelo y simpatizante de Pétain, se convierte en contacto, mientras que Blanche abre su casa a los hombres de la Resistencia. Ella descubre entonces que su madre Louise, es igualmente un agente activo...
Fire on Sight
Inept policemen try to stop an amoral young duo on a spree of robbery and murder in France.
A nuestros amores
Suzanne es una joven de quince años que, a pesar de su edad, tiene una vida sexual muy activa, pero sus relaciones con los chicos no van más allá del sexo. Su ambiente familiar no es armónico: tiene una madre neurótica, un padre al que no le gusta su manera de ser y un hermano que la golpea.
Cinématon XXIV
Reel 24 of Gérard Courant’s on-going Cinematon series.
N°238 / N°1742
Cinématon is a 156-hour long experimental film by French director Gérard Courant. It was the longest film ever released until 2011. Composed over 36 years from 1978 until 2006, it consists of a series of over 2,821 silent vignettes (cinématons), each 3 minutes and 25 seconds long, of various celebrities, artists, journalists and friends of the director, each doing whatever they want for the allotted time. Subjects of the film include directors Barbet Schroeder, Nagisa Oshima, Volker Schlöndorff, Ken Loach, Benjamin Cuq, Youssef Chahine, Wim Wenders, Joseph Losey, Jean-Luc Godard, Samuel Fuller and Terry Gilliam, chess grandmaster Joël Lautier, and actors Roberto Benigni, Stéphane Audran, Julie Delpy and Lesley Chatterley. Gilliam is featured eating a 100-franc note, while Fuller smokes a cigar. Courant's favourite subject was a 7-month-old baby. The film was screened in its then-entirety in Avignon in November 2009 and was screened in Redondo Beach, CA on April 9, 2010.
Limonov: The Ballad of Eddie
The outrageous story of Eduard Limonov, the radical Soviet poet who became a bum in New York, a sensation in France, and a political antihero in Russia.
Dance First