Bernard Zitzermann

Bernard Zitzermann

Nacimiento : 1942-06-19, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Muerte : 1918-02-01


Bernard Zitzermann


The Castaways of the Fol Espoir
Lighting Technician
A film-crew in the early twentieth century, the cabaret known as ‘Le Fol Espoir’ has been transformed into an amateur soundstage. The motion picture tells the story of a ship and its passengers – from the famous opera singer down to the petty criminal. The film is an optimistic political fable intended to educate the masses. There’s comedy aplenty – slapstick punches, custard pies and gags reminiscent of Buster Keaton and Fatty Arbuckle; there’s adventure, high drama moments of great bravura , and passionate love stories. The filming begins on June 28th 1914, the day of the Archiduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo, the gunpowder that sets Europe alight. It ends with news of another assassination – that of Jean Jaures on July 31st followed by the general conscription of August 1st, heralded by church bells across France. The allegory of the shipwreck is filmed at breakneck pace during the last five weeks before war breaks out.
The Blood Oranges
Cyril y Fiona son una pareja casada que viajan a una ciudad costera tropical sin nombre para seguir sus fantasías sexuales. Allí se encuentran con otra pareja, Catherine, Hugh y sus tres hijos. Hugh es un fotógrafo que se especializa en fotografías de mujeres campesinas desnudas. Comienzan las relaciones Cyril / Catherine y Hugh / Fiona.
Ángeles e insectos
Director of Photography
Tras un largo viaje por la selva amazónica y sin un penique en el bolsillo, el naturalista y explorador William Adamson conoce al aristócrata reverendo Alabaster. Al ser coleccionista de insectos, el reverendo queda fascinado por los relatos de William, e invita al joven a su mansión.
La ceremonia
Director of Photography
Sophie, una mujer eficiente pero fría y calculadora, entra a trabajar como ama de llaves para la exigente señora Lelièvre. Un día, conoce a Jeanne, una empleada muy fisgona del servicio de Correos de Saint-Maló, y entre ambas se establece una relación criminal.
El infierno (L'Enfer)
Director of Photography
Nelly y Paul son una pareja feliz. Mientras él dirige el bonito hotel que acaba de comprar en el campo, a orillas de un lago, ella cuida del hijo de ambos. Pero, como Nelly es muy guapa y atrae a todos los clientes del hotel, Paul, dominado por unos celos incontrolados y obsesivos, llega a creer que su mujer se acuesta con todo el mundo.
Director of Photography
Based on Lord Byron's poem "Mazeppa" from 1819 and revolving around the painter Théodore Géticault, famous horse trainer and spectacle Bartabas takes art to another level.
La música del azar
Director of Photography
Jim Nashe es un ex-bombero que viaja sin rumbo, con dinero heredado y su BMW nuevo. En medio de la carretera se encuentra a un desconocido que ha recibido una brutal paliza. Este es Jack Pozzi, un jugador con mucha labia que convence a Nash para que se juegue todo su dinero, 10.000 dólares, en una partida de cartas contra dos millonarios excéntricos. Pero lo que pueden perder va más allá del simple dinero.... Un evocativo y oscuro cuento sobe el poder, la manipulación y las apuestas donde a menudo el destino está determinado por el simple corte de una baraja. (FILMAFFINITY)
C'est de l'art
Director of Photography
This series, assembled in a film, presents the singular view of contemporary artists on major works of art history. The words of these free spirits make each work see each work as a dynamic form, in the process of becoming, crossed by multiple energies. The artists' voice-over narration frees the creative possibilities of the image - sound and image playing with each other, animated by the same spring: what is seeing?
Olivier, Olivier
Director of Photography
Olivier, the nine-year-old son of Elisabeth and Serge, a country veterinarian, vanishes one afternoon on the way to his grandmother's house. The emotional aftermath of his disappearance sends his father packing and nearly destroys his mother.
L'Homme Télé
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
París. Betty (Marie Trintignant) se refugia en la bebida tras ser abandonada por su marido. Después de una tarde de borrachera acude a un restaurante para refugiarse de la lluvia, y allí conoce a una burguesa llamada Laure (Stéphane Audran). Betty, debido a su embriaguez pierde el conocimiento, y su nueva amiga la lleva a su hotel donde las dos hablan de sus desafortunadas vidas.
El ladrón de niños
Aunque alguna vez fue coronel en Argentina, el personaje principal de esta película ahora es un rico exiliado que vive en París con su amada esposa, quien no ha podido tener hijos. Para llenar este vacío en sus vidas, él alimenta y viste a los niños abandonados, criándolos en su mansión como si fueran suyos. Como nunca sería el caso en la vida real de hoy, en esta historia fantástica ambientada en 1925, nadie se opone a este comportamiento, y viven juntos de forma agradable y placentera. Las cosas se vuelven mucho más animadas cuando un mago escénico coloca a su atractiva hija en la casa del coronel, lo que despierta un vivo interés romántico de sus hijos y del gran hombre.
El favor, el reloj y el gran pescado
Director of Photography
Louis es un fotógrafo que intenta encontrar el modelo perfecto de Jesucristo. En su búsqueda conoce a Sybil, una joven encantadora que vivió un romance con un pianista que acaba de salir de la cárcel.
Marc, a young snake expert, works at a museum in Geneva. He loves snakes, to the point that he owns many and even takes a bath with his huge pet python. He meets and falls in love with a beautiful young woman named Malenka, who is the assistant--and mistress--of an older herpetologist professor. Marc discovers that not only is the "professor" a fraud but also a dangerous psychotic who had at one time seduced Marc's mother, and Marc believes that the longer Malenka stays with him, the greater danger she's in.
Historia de una revolución
Director of Photography
Historia de la Revolución Francesa. En 1789, Luis XVI decide convocar los Estados Generales con el fin de resolver el grave problema de la deuda de Francia. El 10 de agosto de 1792 el rey es capturado cuando intentaba huir de París para unirse a los contrarrevolucionarios. Pierde entonces toda su autoridad y es encarcelado. Durante la Época del Terror, el gobierno jacobino de Robespierre llevó a la guillotina a cientos de miles de franceses, entre ellos Luis XVI, María Antonieta e incluso a revolucionarios como Danton y Desmoulins.
Les deux Fragonard
Director of Photography
The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.
Director of Photography
Directed by Philippe de Broca, the film recounts a bloody episode of the French Revolution. 1793, the Terror . In Vendée and in Bretagne, the chouans are revolting against the young Republic and fight for the monarchy restauration. The civil war divides also the family of the Count Savinien de Kerfadec, a liberal and generous noble and a flying machines inventor.
If the Sun Never Returns
The residents of a remote Swiss mountain village come to believe an ancient oracle in this drama taken from the novel by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz. With news of the Spanish Civil War on the radio, the people begin to believe the sun will not return and the world will be forever darkened.
Director of Photography
Dr. Paul Calmet is dead. His son Jean again feels the familiar feeling of anguish caused by his father; victim of this torture, he is carrying the virus of misfortune.
Le voyage à Paimpol
Director of Photography
The dream, which filled half of her life, was no longer enough for Maryvonne. She leaves her husband, child, lover and leaves for Paimpol. And there, it's a breath of fresh air in the form of real life, reality finally joins the dream.
The Mystery of Alexina
In 1856, fresh from life with nuns in an orphanage school, Alexina Barbin comes to a coastal village in La Rochelle to teach the village girls. She is deeply religious. She shares the classroom and a bedroom with the young and vivacious Sara, with whom she falls in love. Alexina has another secret: her gender is mysterious. She and Sara begin a scandalous love affair, but Alexina seeks marriage and social acceptance. She discloses her secrets to the village priest, to her mother, to the bishop, and to the bishop's physician. After the church and court rule on her petition, marriage to Sara becomes Alexina's sole purpose and hope.
No Man's Land
Director of Photography
Madeleine, who runs a disco on the French-Swiss border, dreams of going to Paris to pursue a singing career. Her lover, Paul, who makes his living smuggling money, gold and goods across the border, plans to emigrate to Canada. Mali, a pretty young Algerian woman who lives in France and works in Switzerland, would like to be anywhere except where she is. Louis, born on a Swiss farm and trained as a clockmaker, would give anything to leave his mistress, Lucie, and move in with Mali.
La chispa
Director of Photography
Dale, una encantadora disc-jockey, conoce a Maurice, restaurador, hosco pero sincero. Dale está embarazada, pero su marido está más interesado por su trabajo que por ella. Maurice empieza a pensar que debería casarse con su amante, pero Dale no le pierde de vista...
The Hawk
Director of Photography
Detective Frank Zodiac is a cop traumatized by the death of his wife in a car accident that also left his daughter in a coma. This tragedy prevented him from being present to apprehend the dangerous gangster Gus Sabor, who was then able to escape from law enforcement. Three years later, Frank and Gus' paths cross again. Frank then sets out to pursue the criminal through Paris.
I Married a Shadow
Director of Photography
After a train accident, a woman survives and is mistaken for an other woman she just met on a train before the accident.
Come to My Place, I Live at a Girlfriend's
Director of Photography
Guy is fired from is job, and asks to stay with his friend and his girlfriend in their apartment. The longer he stays, the more disaster he creates.
The Lady Banker
Director of Photography
The scene is the restless Paris of the interwar years where an attractive and ambitious woman successfully makes her way in a world previously reserved for men: that of high finance. Originating from a humble background, she quickly becomes popular with small savers by offering them outstanding interest rates. Extremely popular, she makes no secret of her taste for the good things in life and her homosexual affairs. They will cost her dearly...
L'école est finie
Director of Photography
Julien, fifteen-year-old, meets Nathalie, a girl his age whom he falls in love. Soon she is expecting a child. Their parents take the news with reservations. The baby will come and with it, the difficult learning of life.
Nosotros dos
Director of Photography
El trabajo de Françoise consiste en seducir a los hombres cuyas esposas quieren divorciarse y necesitan tener pruebas contra ellos. Además, chantajea a los políticos, que no pueden permitirse un escándalo. Empezó a dedicarse a este lucrativo negocio después de haber sido violada, pero ahora la policía la está buscando, y no tiene más remedio que recurrir a una pareja que vive de ocultar delincuentes. En su refugio conoce a Simon, un mafioso con el que colabora en robos esporádicos, pero el cerco de la policía se estrecha. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin is raised by his father and his grandfather because his mother dies when he's still very little. He works as a handyman, studies the law at a university and travels the country as an actor before he becomes the celebrated playwright Molière who impresses firstly the Duke of Orleans and then even King Louis XIV.
The Places of a Fugue
Directed by French author Geroges Perec, Les Lieux d'une fugue is an autobiographical account of the writer's experience of running away from his aunt's house at age 11. As much a meditation on the streets of Paris as it is personal narrative, Les Lieux d'une fugue examines how Perec's verbal games play out alongside a movie camera.
A Dream Longer Than the Night
Director of Photography
"In this heady, phantasmagoric fairy tale, a young girl comes face to face with a friendly dragon and a magnanimous witch. Upon the witch granting the girl’s wish to become a young woman, this surrealist chronicle follows the precocious Camélia on a series of quests in pursuit of love. Niki de Saint Phalle’s sophomore film revels in the sexual decadence that defined the 1970s zeitgeist, showcasing scenes of debauched harems and totemic worship of phallic sculptures. An astounding piece of directorial bravery, UN RÊVE PLUS LONG QUE LA NUIT confirms Saint Phalle’s wicked yet earnest pleasure in excavating the underlying perversions at play within the romantic quiet of fairy tales." - Anthology Film Archives
The Devil in the Heart
Director of Photography
It takes place in a chic milieu, where both the father and the son are in love with the au pair girl (but she sleeps with the dad). The young student is far from the post May 68 clichés and the movie walks a fine line off the beaten path. Philippe Lemaire and Emmanuelle Riva are ideally cast as the bourgeois parents who urge their offspring to attend the grandma's Christmas meal.
Un hombre que duerme
Un hombre que duerme narra la peripecia de un estudiante que decide no levantarse de la cama el día de sus exámenes de Sociología, abandonar sus estudios, romper toda relación con amigos y parientes, y recluirse en sí mismo. Más tarde se dedicará a deambular incansable por París, a ir al cine, a leer los titulares de los periódicos, pero como lo haría un sonámbulo. Para el estudiante todo forma parte de una vaga estrategia encaminada a alejarse de los deseos materiales, de la ambición y de su dependencia de los objetos, los ambientes, los sonidos y aromas de París, la ciudad que lo ha acogido y que lo acabará fagocitando.
Assistant Director of Photography