Sofía, Bulgaria: Dos agentes del departamento para la lucha contra la droga (D.E.A.) de Estados Unidos llegan a un club nocturno en el que se ha producido una matanza. No han dejado a nadie con vida, la mafia china ha anunciado su llegada a la Europa del este. En París, Wong Dai (el emperador) se regodea mirando las caras alrededor de la mesa de conferencias. "Un Tong unido tiene el poder suficiente para apartar del negocio a otras organizaciones. Estamos ante el inicio de una nueva era". Mientras, el arqueólogo Robert Burns (Steven Seagal) ha hecho un descubrimiento inquietante en una excavación en la frontera de China. Los Tong se enteran de que Robert ha destapado su secreto y le persiguen. Robert llega a la frontera, pero Yi no tiene tanta suerte y es alcanzada por una bala....
Gallows is being raised in a prison yard. A moment before the execution the Girl brings a document of the young communist's temporary pardon. The chief of the prison, the Major, has a mandolin collection. He offers a fistfight to the young communist. The young man hits him. The Major and the young communist start playing the mandolins together. Girl is allowed to meet the young communist. The boy begins to play. The melody brings to the Major pleasant memories. He fought in the Spanish civil war, but after the defeat, he turned back on his beliefs. The Major receives a telegram that he needs to send the young communist to another prison. Death awaits him there. In is rage the Major breaks the mandolins. He orders the young communist to be taken out to work. The young man runs off. The Major shoots him himself.