Dafni Skoura

Dafni Skoura


Dafni Skoura


Τα δίχτυα της ντροπής
Η νεράιδα της Μάνης
Στρατιώτες δίχως στολή
The Waxen Doll
Virginia Rota
The melodramatic story of Virginia, an ill young woman in love with her wood-carver husband. One day, she has a miscarriage and her health requires monitoring and care. A cousin of hers, Liola, comes from the village and takes it upon hershelf to look after her cousin. Between the latter young woman and the husband of the ill woman, an intense love affair is developing.
For bread and love
An unemployed sailor gets a job at the yacht of a wealthy man, where he is tortured by his beautiful young wife and decides to leave his wife and son to leave with her.
Κόκκινα τριαντάφυλλα
Ο Γρουσούζης
Agatocles, a grumpy and gruesome caffector, finds out a baby's out of his cafe and, to the surprise of everyone, decides to adopt it.
The Girl of the Taverna
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