A young woman faces her future as a lawyer in a small New England town where the annual Christmas ice sculpting competition in which she and her father have always competed has been cancelled. Working to save the festival, she meets a reluctant sculptor who reignites her passion, in more ways than one.
La película comienza con la trágica muerte del agente Murphy, que es asesinado por unos brutales criminales haciéndole saltar por los aires. Un equipo de científicos y doctores reconstruirán sus restos y lo convertirán en un organismo cibernético imparable, programado para combatir el crimen sin descanso. De esta forma crearán a Robocop. Pero lo que nadie se imagina es que bajo su nueva carcasa cibernética, Robocop vive atormentado por los recuerdos de su vida anterior acompañados de pesadillas de su muerte a manos de los despiadados asesinos.
Hillary returns home to confront her boyfriend, Neil, with shocking news. She had an abortion. How will he react? But more compellingly, how will she? In Faces of Hillary, the screen is split into 4 equal parts. Each of the 4 sections reveals how she handles the situation. Faces of Hillary examines the power behind facial expressions and body gestures. It's a study on emotions, behaviours and contradictions. The attributes that make us human.