Nika is a young girl who is in a desperate need of money. On her first workday at a home for elderly people she meets Vera, a forgotten actress who is willing to pay money in order to die.
An average stray dog has 99 percent of wolf's genes and it's a natural born hunter. But they forgot how to hunt when humans brought them to civilization. Now they are left on their own in the unmerciful hands of the public shelter hunters who kill them and throw them in the river.
Vele no puede permitirse comprar los costosos medicamentos para su padre que tiene cáncer. Desesperado, roba marihuana a unos delincuentes, hace un pastel con ella y se lo da a su padre, esperando que le alivie el dolor. La salud de su padre mejora milagrosamente, pero Vele de repente se enfrenta a vecinos que exigen la receta del pastel "reparador" y a los delincuentes que quieren recuperar sus drogas.